windows-server-2008 – 如何将Windows Server 2008事件日志发送到syslog服务器?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows-server-2008 – 如何将Windows Server 2008事件日志发送到syslog服务器?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
在过去使用 Windows Server 2003时,我能够使用evtsys(将事件日志发送到中央网络系统日志服务器.它没有提到对Server 2008的支持,但确实提到了发送Windows Vista日志的问题.


您可以使用 Snare for Windows,一个根据GNU公共许可证(GPL)条款发布的免费软件(免费软件).

Snare for Windows Vista is a Windows@H_502_9@ 2008 and Windows Vista compatible@H_502_9@ service that interacts with the@H_502_9@ underlying “Crimson” Eventlog@H_502_9@ subsystem to facilitate remote,@H_502_9@ real-time transfer of event log@H_502_9@ information. Snare for Windows Vista@H_502_9@ also support 64 bit versions of@H_502_9@ Windows (X64 and IA64).

Event logs from the Security,Application and System logs,as well as the new DNS,File Replication Service,and Active Directory logs are supported. The supported version of the agent also accommodates custom Windows event logs. Log data is converted to text format,and delivered to a remote Snare Server,or to a remote Syslog server with configurable and dynamic facility and priority settings.
