windows-server-2008-r2 – PPTP连接失败,错误800/806

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows-server-2008-r2 – PPTP连接失败,错误800/806前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有一个客户端(Server 2008 R2)无法连接到我们的生产环境PPTP VPN服务器(Server 2003,运行RRAS).

服务器位于防火墙后面,TCP1723打开以及GRE.我们办公室的其他客户能够很好地连接.我们的办公室位于Juniper SSG5-Serial防火墙之后,但允许所有传出流量,并且其他多个客户端可以毫无问题地连接到VPN服务器.

我还在办公室外的另一个网络上设置了一个完全不同的VPN服务器.功能正常的客户端连接得很好 – Server 2008 R2机器没有.因此,这特别是这台机器的问题.


我在服务器/客户端上运行PPTPSRV和PPTPCLNT,它们能够完美地通信 – 表明使用TCP1723和GRE都没有问题.

Server 2008 R2计算机也作为VPN服务器本身(传入连接)运行,并且运行正常.无论是否存在活动的传入连接,我们都会遇到问题.



A connection between the VPN server and the VPN client has been 
established,but the VPN connection cannot be completed. The most common cause
for this is that a firewall or router between the VPN server and the VPN client
is not configured to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) packets (protocol 47).
Verify that the firewalls and routers between your VPN server and the Internet allow
GRE packets. Make sure the firewalls and routers on the user's network are also
configured to allow GRE packets. If the problem persists,have the user contact
the Internet service provider (ISP) to determine whether the ISP might be blocking
GRE packets.



CoId={742CB15C-A7E0-47B7-8240-0EFA1139CBD9}: The user XXX\YYY has started dialing a VPN connection using a per-user connection profile named ZZZ. The connection settings are: 
Dial-in User = XXX\YYY
VpnStrategy = PPTP
DataEncryption = Require
PrerequisiteEntry = 
Autologon = No
UseRasCredentials = Yes
Authentication Type = CHAP/MS-CHAPv2 
Ipv4DefaultGateway = No
Ipv4AddressAssignment = By Server
Ipv4DNSServerAssignment = By Server
Ipv6DefaultGateway = Yes
Ipv6AddressAssignment = By Server
Ipv6DNSServerAssignment = By Server
IpDnsFlags = Register primary domain suffix
IpNBTEnabled = Yes
UseFlags = Private Connection
ConnectOnWinlogon = No.
CoId={742CB15C-A7E0-47B7-8240-0EFA1139CBD9}: The user XXX\YYY is trying to establish a link to the Remote Access Server for the connection named ZZZ using the following device: 
Server address/Phone Number = XXX.YYY.ZZZ.KKK
Device = WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Port = VPN3-4
MediaType = VPN.
CoId={742CB15C-A7E0-47B7-8240-0EFA1139CBD9}: The user XXX\YYY has successfully established a link to the Remote Access Server using the following device: 
Server address/Phone Number = XXX.YYY.ZZZ.KKK
Device = WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Port = VPN3-4
MediaType = VPN.
CoId={742CB15C-A7E0-47B7-8240-0EFA1139CBD9}: The link to the Remote Access Server has been established by user XXX\YYY.
CoId={742CB15C-A7E0-47B7-8240-0EFA1139CBD9}: The user XXX\YYY dialed a connection named ZZZ which has Failed. The error code returned on failure is 806.







认为ISP或其他远程问题的现象.我们已经与员工远程工作了很多次. ISP或远程站点的IT部门阻止VPN流量.


