powershell – Windows Server 2012 R2和TCP慢启动和Hyper-v主机

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了powershell – Windows Server 2012 R2和TCP慢启动和Hyper-v主机前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我需要更改TCP InitialCongestionWindow的默认值


我在我们的hyper-v托管虚拟服务器2012 R2上尝试了它.

PS C:\>Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Custom -InitialCongestionWindow 10 -CongestionProvider CTCP


Set-NetTCPSetting : No MSFT_NetTCPSetting objects found with property 'SettingName' equal to 'Custom'.  Verify the valu
e of the property and retry.
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Custom -InitialCongestionWindow 10 -CongestionPro ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Custom:String) [Set-NetTCPSetting],CimJobException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletizationQuery_NotFound_SettingName,Set-NetTCPSetting




PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-NetTCPSetting

SettingName                   : Automatic
MinRto(ms)                    :
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  :
CongestionProvider            :
CwndRestart                   :
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         :
DelayedAckFrequency           :
MemoryPressureProtection      :
AutoTuningLevelLocal          :
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    :
AutoTuningLevelEffective      :
EcnCapability                 :
Timestamps                    :
InitialRto(ms)                :
ScalingHeuristics             :
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     :
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts :
AutomaticUseCustom            :
NonSackRttResiliency          :
ForceWS                       :
MaxSynRetransmissions         :

SettingName                   : InternetCustom
MinRto(ms)                    : 300
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  : 4
CongestionProvider            : CTCP
CwndRestart                   : False
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         : 50
DelayedAckFrequency           : 2
MemoryPressureProtection      : Enabled
AutoTuningLevelLocal          : Normal
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    : NotConfigured
AutoTuningLevelEffective      : Local
EcnCapability                 : Enabled
Timestamps                    : Disabled
InitialRto(ms)                : 3000
ScalingHeuristics             : Disabled
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     : 49152
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts : 16384
AutomaticUseCustom            : Disabled
NonSackRttResiliency          : Disabled
ForceWS                       : Disabled
MaxSynRetransmissions         : 2

SettingName                   : DatacenterCustom
MinRto(ms)                    : 20
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  : 4
CongestionProvider            : DCTCP
CwndRestart                   : True
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         : 10
DelayedAckFrequency           : 2
MemoryPressureProtection      : Enabled
AutoTuningLevelLocal          : Normal
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    : NotConfigured
AutoTuningLevelEffective      : Local
EcnCapability                 : Enabled
Timestamps                    : Disabled
InitialRto(ms)                : 3000
ScalingHeuristics             : Disabled
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     : 49152
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts : 16384
AutomaticUseCustom            : Disabled
NonSackRttResiliency          : Disabled
ForceWS                       : Disabled
MaxSynRetransmissions         : 2

SettingName                   : Compat
MinRto(ms)                    : 300
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  : 2
CongestionProvider            : Default
CwndRestart                   : False
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         : 200
DelayedAckFrequency           : 2
MemoryPressureProtection      : Enabled
AutoTuningLevelLocal          : Normal
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    : NotConfigured
AutoTuningLevelEffective      : Local
EcnCapability                 : Enabled
Timestamps                    : Disabled
InitialRto(ms)                : 3000
ScalingHeuristics             : Disabled
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     : 49152
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts : 16384
AutomaticUseCustom            : Disabled
NonSackRttResiliency          : Disabled
ForceWS                       : Disabled
MaxSynRetransmissions         : 2

SettingName                   : Datacenter
MinRto(ms)                    : 20
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  : 4
CongestionProvider            : DCTCP
CwndRestart                   : True
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         : 10
DelayedAckFrequency           : 2
MemoryPressureProtection      : Enabled
AutoTuningLevelLocal          : Normal
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    : NotConfigured
AutoTuningLevelEffective      : Local
EcnCapability                 : Enabled
Timestamps                    : Disabled
InitialRto(ms)                : 3000
ScalingHeuristics             : Disabled
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     : 49152
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts : 16384
AutomaticUseCustom            : Disabled
NonSackRttResiliency          : Disabled
ForceWS                       : Disabled
MaxSynRetransmissions         : 2

SettingName                   : Internet
MinRto(ms)                    : 300
InitialCongestionWindow(MSS)  : 4
CongestionProvider            : CTCP
CwndRestart                   : False
DelayedAckTimeout(ms)         : 50
DelayedAckFrequency           : 2
MemoryPressureProtection      : Enabled
AutoTuningLevelLocal          : Normal
AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy    : NotConfigured
AutoTuningLevelEffective      : Local
EcnCapability                 : Enabled
Timestamps                    : Disabled
InitialRto(ms)                : 3000
ScalingHeuristics             : Disabled
DynamicPortRangeStartPort     : 49152
DynamicPortRangeNumberOfPorts : 16384
AutomaticUseCustom            : Disabled
NonSackRttResiliency          : Disabled
ForceWS                       : Disabled
MaxSynRetransmissions         : 2
New-NetTransportFilter -SettingName Custom -LocalPortStart 80 -LocalPortEnd 80 -RemotePortStart 0 -RemotePortEnd 65535


Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName Custom -InitialCongestionWindow 10 -CongestionProvider CTCP
