我没有使用W MIC获得批处理脚本中内存利用率百分比的结果.我只获得总内存和可用内存的字节数.
代码: –
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set Times=0 for /f "skip=1" %%p in ('wmic cpu get loadpercentage') do ( set cpusage!Times!=%%p set /A Times+=1 ) echo cpu Percentage = %cpusage0%%% set Times=0 for /f "skip=1" %%p in ('wmic ComputerSystem get TotalPhysicalMemory') do ( set totalMem!Times!=%%p set /A Times+=1 ) set Times=0 for /f "skip=1" %%p in ('wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory') do ( set availableMem!Times!=%%p set /A Times+=1 ) set Times=0 for /f "skip=1" %%p in ('wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory ^|findstr physical') do ( set /a UsedMem= totalMem - availableMem set usedMem!Times!=%%p set /A Times+=1 ) set /a usedpercent=(usedMem*100)/totalMem echo Free MEMORY = %availableMem0% Bytes echo Total MEMORY = %totalMem0% Bytes echo Used MEMORY = %UsedMem0% Bytes echo Memory Utilization = %usedpercent0%%% pause
如果没有必要多次使用setlocal,setlocal enabledelayedexpansion只能在批处理文件中使用一次.此命令不仅启用延迟扩展模式.它总是复制整个当前环境表(最大可达64 MB),命令扩展和延迟扩展的当前状态,以及堆栈(内存)上的当前目录路径.堆栈上的此类环境推送次数不是无限制的.至少使用endlocal以避免由于堆栈溢出而提前退出批处理.有关详细信息,请参阅以下答案:
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/windows/367262.html> Echoing a URL in Batch
> Why is my cd %myVar% being ignored?
甚至64位Windows命令解释程序(cmd.exe)也使用32位有符号整数.因此,值范围限制为-2.147.483.648至2.147.483.647.换句话说,如果没有整数溢出产生错误的结果,则无法进行超过2 GB的算术运算.
这是一个注释的批处理文件,它不适用于所有可能安装的RAM配置,但适用于2016年典型的那些:2 GB,4 GB,8 GB,16 GB和32 GB.
@echo off rem Note: KB = KiB,MB = MiB and GB = GiB in this batch file,see rem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibibyte for details on GiB. rem Create a copy of current environment variables. Enabling additionally rem delayed environment variable expansion is not required for this task. setlocal rem The command WMIC with the parameters cpu get loadpercentage outputs rem one line per processor. The output of WMIC is in UTF-16 LE with BOM. rem The output is redirected to a temporary file which is printed by rem command TYPE to STDOUT which makes a better job on UNICODE to ASCII rem conversion as command FOR. Note: 1 processor can have 1 or more cores. set "cpuUsage=0" set "Processors=0" %SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe cpu get loadpercentage >"%TEMP%\cpu_usage.tmp" for /F "skip=1" %%P in ('type "%TEMP%\cpu_usage.tmp"') do ( set /A cpuUsage+=%%P set /A Processors+=1 ) del "%TEMP%\cpu_usage.tmp" rem Calculate the cpu usage as percentage value of all processors. set /A cpuUsage/=Processors goto GetTotalMemory rem Output of WMIC is in UTF-16 LE with BOM. The interpretation of this rem output in ASCII/OEM can result in processing three lines instead of rem just two with third line being just a carriage return. Therefore exit rem each loop after assigning the value of second line to the variable. :GetTotalMemory for /F "skip=1" %%M in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe ComputerSystem get TotalPhysicalMemory') do set "TotalMemory=%%M" & goto GetAvailableMemory :GetAvailableMemory for /F "skip=1" %%M in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS get FreePhysicalMemory') do set "AvailableMemory=%%M" & goto ProcessValues rem Total physical memory is in bytes which can be greater 2^31 (= 2 GB) rem Windows command processor performs arithmetic operations always with rem 32-bit signed integer. Therefore more than 2 GB installed physical rem memory exceeds the bit width of a 32-bit signed integer and arithmetic rem calculations are wrong on more than 2 GB installed memory. To avoid rem the integer overflow,the last 6 characters are removed from bytes rem value and the remaining characters are divided by 1073 to get the rem number of GB. This workaround works only for physical RAM being rem an exact multiple of 1 GB,i.e. for 1 GB,2 GB,... rem 1 GB = 1.073.741.824 bytes = 2^30 rem 2 GB = 2.147.483.648 bytes = 2^31 rem 4 GB = 4.294.967.296 bytes = 2^32 rem 8 GB = 8.589.934.592 bytes = 2^33 rem 16 GB = 17.179.869.184 bytes = 2^34 rem 32 GB = 34.359.738.368 bytes = 2^35 rem But there is one more problem at least on Windows XP x86. About 50 MB rem of RAM is subtracted as used by Windows itself. This can be seen in rem system settings when 1.95 GB is displayed although 2 GB is installed. rem Therefore add 50 MB before dividing by 1073. :ProcessValues set "TotalMemory=%TotalMemory:~0,-6%" set /A TotalMemory+=50 set /A TotalMemory/=1073 rem The total memory in GB must be multiplied by 1024 to get the rem total physical memory in MB which is always small enough to rem be calculated with a 32-bit signed integer. set /A TotalMemory*=1024 rem The available memory is in KB and therefore there is rem no problem with value range of 32-bit signed integer. set /A AvailableMemory/=1024 rem So the used memory in MB can be determined easily. set /A UsedMemory=TotalMemory - AvailableMemory rem It is necessary to calculate the percentage value in MB instead of rem KB to avoid a 32-bit signed integer overflow on 32 GB RAM and nearly rem entire RAM is available because used is just a small amount of RAM. set /A UsedPercent=(UsedMemory * 100) / TotalMemory if "%Processors%" == "1" ( set "ProcessorInfo=" ) else ( set "ProcessorInfo= of %Processors% processors" ) echo cpu percentage: %cpuUsage% %%%ProcessorInfo% echo Free memory: %AvailableMemory% MB echo Total memory: %TotalMemory% MB echo Used memory: %UsedMemory% MB echo Memory usage: %UsedPercent% %% rem Discard the current environment variable table and restore prevIoUs rem environment variables. The states of command processor extension rem (default: ON) and delayed expansion (default: OFF) as well as the rem original current directory are restored by this command although rem not modified at all by the commands above. endlocal
> del /?> echo /?> endlocal /?> for /?>转到/?> rem /?> setlocal /?>设置/?>类型/?> wmic /?> wmic cpu get /?> wmic OS得到/?> wmic ComputerSystem得到/?