active-directory – Windows服务器.组织单位和团体之间的区别? (活动目录)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了active-directory – Windows服务器.组织单位和团体之间的区别? (活动目录)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。




You put a user in a group to control that user’s access to resources. You put a user in an OU to control who has administrative authority over that user.

它们就像文件服务器(您的AD)上的文件夹(OU)和文件(组):更容易管理整个文件夹而不是单个文件的权限/ ACL,并让它们应用于文件(组)继承自动.这个类比在Access Denied: Understand the Difference Between AD OUs and Groups中有详细解释:

[…] because users and groups have ACLs,you can delegate portions of administrative authority to subadministrators. But,just as separately maintaining the ACL of every file is impractical,so is separately controlling administrative authority on each user or group object. Therefore,you can collect into an OU all the users and groups that you want to enable a particular subadministrator to manage,then grant the proper authority over the OU to that subadministrator. Permissions you define in an OU’s ACL flow down to all the users and groups in that OU,just as folder ACLs flow down to all the files in a folder.




>您应该使用OU来组织Active Directory,以便更容易管理(例如,将用户和组的管理控制委派给其他管理员)

To help you keep OUs and groups straight,remember that a user can be a member of many groups but can reside in only one OU,just as a file can reside in only one folder.

