Windows操作系统(XP,Windows 7)手册中重置本地CRL(在操作系统本地现金中)?我们需要重置本地CRL,否则操作系统将使用本地CRL直到“下一次更新”期间.
如“Manually publish the CRL”中所述:
Clients that have a cached copy of the prevIoUsly-published CRL or delta CRL will continue using it until its validity period has expired,even though a new CRL has been published. Manually publishing a CRL does not affect cached copies of CRLs that are still valid; it only makes a new CRL available for systems that do not have a valid CRL.
How Certificate Revocation Works”的文章:
certutil -urlcache crl delete
It may be necessary to restart the application or even the computer in order to flush the CRL cache in Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
对于Windows Vista(可能是7),建议使用更好的方法,这也应该清除缓存在内存中的CRL:
certutil -setreg chain\ChainCacheResyncFiletime @now