我的数据中心提供商(来自德国的Hetzner AG)写了以下内容:
Problems with virtualization
With this type of IP/subnet allocation,it is not possible to use a
“bridged” setup,as with such a setup several MAC addresses appear.
VPS (linux virtual servers,Xen,vmware,etc) must use a so-called
“Routed” setup (VMware: “host-only networking”). With an additional
subnet the host system or dom0 must be configured with an IP address
from the subnet which is then used as a gatewar for the VPS. The
(additional) address of the host system must therefore be configured
in the VPS in each case as a gateway. An exception to this rule is
“openvz”,which does not require a gateway. On the host system or dom0
“ip_forward” must be activated for each virtualization: