Windows机器都是Server 2008 R2.
命令tzutil.exe在Windows 7/2008上可用
TZUTIL </? | /g | /s TimeZoneID[_dstoff] | /l> Parameters: /? Displays usage information. /g Displays the current time zone ID. /s TimeZoneID[_dstoff] Sets the current time zone using the specified time zone ID. The _dstoff suffix disables Daylight Saving Time adjustments for the time zone (where applicable). /l Lists all valid time zone IDs and display names. The output will be: <display name> <time zone ID> Examples: TZUTIL /g TZUTIL /s "Pacific Standard Time" TZUTIL /s "Pacific Standard Time_dstoff"
要设置为UTC,请使用类似TZUTIL / s“UTC”的命令.