最重要的是,我们正在将Symantec Endpoint Protection从v.11升级到v.12,我想要一个简单的检查来查找服务器上安装的版本.除了Win32_Product和注册表查询之外,还有其他选择吗?
Function Get-RemoteSoftware{ <# .SYNOPSIS Displays all software listed in the registry on a given computer. .DESCRIPTION Uses the SOFTWARE registry keys (both 32 and 64bit) to list the name,version,vendor,and uninstall string for each software entry on a given computer. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-RemoteSoftware -ComputerName SERVER1 This shows the software installed on SERVER1. #> param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string[]] # Specifies the computer name to connect to $ComputerName ) Process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { #Open Remote Base $reg=[microsoft.win32.registrykey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$Computer) #Check if it's got 64bit regkeys $keyRootSoftware = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE") [bool]$is64 = ($keyRootSoftware.GetSubKeyNames() | ? {$_ -eq 'WOW6432Node'} | Measure-Object).Count $keyRootSoftware.Close() #Get all of they keys into a list $softwareKeys = @() if ($is64){ $pathUninstall64 = "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall" $keyUninstall64 = $reg.OpenSubKey($pathUninstall64) $keyUninstall64.GetSubKeyNames() | % { $softwareKeys += $pathUninstall64 + "\\" + $_ } $keyUninstall64.Close() } $pathUninstall32 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall" $keyUninstall32 = $reg.OpenSubKey($pathUninstall32) $keyUninstall32.GetSubKeyNames() | % { $softwareKeys += $pathUninstall32 + "\\" + $_ } $keyUninstall32.Close() #Get information from all the keys $softwareKeys | % { $subkey=$reg.OpenSubKey($_) if ($subkey.GetValue("DisplayName")){ $installDate = $null if ($subkey.GetValue("InstallDate") -match "/"){ $installDate = Get-Date $subkey.GetValue("InstallDate") } elseif ($subkey.GetValue("InstallDate").length -eq 8){ $installDate = Get-Date $subkey.GetValue("InstallDate").Insert(6,".").Insert(4,".") } New-Object PSObject -Property @{ ComputerName = $Computer Name = $subkey.GetValue("DisplayName") Version = $subKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion") Vendor = $subkey.GetValue("Publisher") UninstallString = $subkey.GetValue("UninstallString") InstallDate = $installDate } } $subkey.Close() } $reg.Close() } }