Windows 8分层Windows通过Metro应用程序

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Windows 8分层Windows通过Metro应用程序前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有一个使用微软的分层窗口在Windows 7上运行的应用程序.这个应用程序设置为具有30%的不透明度,它总是在顶部,并且它对事件是透明的(即:它将所有事件转发到它下面的窗口).您可以将其视为您正在通过桌面查看的“屏幕”.它目前被用作我们用户无所不在的反馈层.

我们尝试在Windows 8上运行相同的应用程序,并注意它在桌面模式下按预期工作,但没有任何内容覆盖开始菜单和其他metro应用程序.

有没有人知道是否有一个等效的总体顶部窗口模式适用于城域应用程序和Windows 8中的开始菜单



The topmost window is also affected by the accessibility settings. If you want a window on top of Metro,you need it to declare accessibility. Here are the key points:

  1. The application must demand uiAccess (app.manifest)

  2. The application must assert “topmost” window positioning (either in Win32/SetWindowPos or WinForms/WPF’s Topmost property,programmatically or otherwise)

  3. Without making changes to the group policy setting,it must be installed to some trusted location [C:\Windows,C:\Program Files,C:\Program Files (x86)].

    • If you want to be able to run it out of an arbitrary location,you must disable the security setting: “User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations”.

    • This is the same as setting HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ValidateAdminCodeSignatures to 0

  4. Said application cannot be run in the debugger

  5. If it’s a .NET application:

    • The manifest must be embedded in a post-build step

    • The application must have “delayed signing” (meaning it cannot be ran from the built-in debugger,although you can build and attach – this is what Microsoft does)

  6. The application must be signed with a trusted certificate.

  7. Said trusted certificate must be installed to the Trusted Root Certificate Authority (this is important! It must not just simply installed)
