windows – MINIDUMP_TYPE枚举值的哪些组合将为我提供最“完整”的迷你转储?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows – MINIDUMP_TYPE枚举值的哪些组合将为我提供最“完整”的迷你转储?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。





MiniDumpWithFullMemory                  -       the contents of every readable page in the process address space is included in the dump.      
MiniDumpWithHandleData                  -       includes info about all handles in the process handle table. 
MiniDumpWithThreadInfo                  -       includes thread times,start address and affinity. 
MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData           -       includes contents of process and thread environment blocks. 
MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo              -       includes info on virtual memory layout. 
MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules             -       includes info from recently unloaded modules if supported by OS. 
MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState           -       requests that aux data providers include their state in the dump. 
MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory        -       ignore memory read failures. 
MiniDumpWithTokenInformation            -       includes security token related data.


MiniDumpNormal                          -       value is 0 so always implicitly present,unless excluded by a callback (which I won't be doing).
MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory      -       excludes contents of shared memory. 
MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory  -       includes memory pages referenced by pointers on the stack,but assuming MiniDumpWithFullMemory already includes all pages in the process address space anyway.
MiniDumpWithDataSegs                    -       contents of writable data sections are already included by specifying MiniDumpWithFullMemory
MiniDumpWithCodeSegs                    -       assuming MiniDumpWithFullMemory includes this. 
MiniDumpWihtoutOptionalData             -       suppresses all memory operations other that MiniDumpNormal. 
MiniDumpFilterMemory                    -       filters out contents of stack memory (also has no effect if MiniDumpWithFullMemory used).
MiniDumpFilterModulePaths               -       removes module paths from the dump. 
MiniDumpScanMemory                      -       used to exclude memory for specific modules via callbacks. 
MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory      -       assume MiniDumpWithFullMemory already includes this.
