通常我会通过在TsqlQuery的sql属性中指定一些sql并在TClientDataSet上调用Open来从数据库加载TClientDataset. TClientDataset中的字段是通过调用Open ie创建的.它们在Open之前不存在.
Project XXX.exe raised exception class TDBXError with message sql State: 42S22,sql Error Code: 207 Invalid column name 'Received'. sql State: 42S22,sql Error Code: 207 Invalid column name 'Issued'. sql State: 42S22,sql Error Code: 207 Invalid column name 'DisplayTime'.
我遇到的所有互联网搜索结果 – 包括Cary Jensen的优秀文章 – 处理的设计时或非sql生成的设置都不适用于我的情况.
type TMyClass = class // all your current class here private FUpdateIgnoredFields: TStringList; public property UpdateIgnoredFields: TStringList read FUpdateIgnoredFields write SetUpdateIgnoredFields; //don't forget to create this in your constructor,free it in the destructor //and Assign any new value in the SetUpdateIgnoreFields method,as usual. procedure OpenInnerCDS; //the magic goes here end; procedure TMyClass.OpenInnerCDS; var FieldName: string; AFieldToIgnore: TField; begin //opens the inner cds,but before that,configures the update-ignored //fields in the underlying dataset //Let's call it InnerBaseDataSet; FInnerBaseDataSet.Open; //this opens the DataSet and creates all the fields for it. try for FieldName in FUpdateIgnoredFields do begin AFieldToIgnore := FInnerBaseDataSet.FindField(FieldName); if Assigned(AFieldToIgnore) then AFieldToIgnore.ProviderFlags := AFieldToIgnore.ProviderFlags - [pfInUpdate,pfInWhere]; end; //now,let's open the ClientDataSet; FInnerClientDataSet.Open; finally //I suggest no matter what happens,always close the inner data set //but it depends on how the CDS->Provider->DataSet interaction is configured FInnerBaseDataSet.Close; end; end; //the way you use this is to replace the current ClientDataSetOpen with something like: var MyInsance: TMyClass; begin MyInstance := TMyInstance.Create(); //params try //configuration code here //MyInstance.InnerCDS.Open; <-- not directly now MyInstance.UpdateIgnoreFields.Add('CALCULATED_SALARY'); MyInstance.OpenInnerCDS; //use the CDS here. MyInstance.InnerCDS.ApplyUpdates(-1); //safely apply updates now. finally MyInstance.Free; end; end;