Windows防火墙阻止我尝试允许Docker for Windows在Windows 10机器上共享C:.
A firewall is blocking file Sharing between Windows and the
containers. See documentation for more info.
You do not need to open port 445 on any other network. By default,
allow connections to port 445 (the Windows host) from (the virtual machine).
我试图找到如何做 – “googled出来” – 有人建议吗?
Docker on windows 10 error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between Windows and the containers. See documentation for more info.
The Fix
- Share the C:,D:,E: … drive(s) in File Explorer (Right-click Drive > Properites > Sharing). [Edit: This step might not be necessary]
- Uninstall File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks from the vEthernet (DockerNAT) network adapter (you can find the connection in the Windows Network and Sharing Center) [or just uncheck it].
- Reinstall it and make sure it is enabled [or just recheck it].