文档生成 – 如何获取Microsoft HTML帮助2编译器?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了文档生成 – 如何获取Microsoft HTML帮助2编译器?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
在哪里可以下载Microsoft HTML Help 2编译器(或边界SDK)?我想使用 Sandcastle Help File Builder从我的编程项目生成HTML 2文档,Sandcastle引导安装向导指示我下载该组件.

摘自关于从Sandcastle主页的HTML 2:

The HTML Help 2.x output includes a
valid set of collection files and an
H2Reg.exe configuration file to
simplify deployment and integration of
the help file into existing
collections such as those used by
Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.0下载中,可以从Microsoft获得HTML Help 2编译器.
(您不需要安装Visual Studio 2008 IDE来安装这些SDK工具.)



C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help 2.0 Compiler\hxcomp.exe

在x86系统上,它将在常规Program Files文件名称下找到.


根据CodePlex Sandcastle帮助文件生成器的论坛帖子:

So I checked my installation,and it
appears that I don’t have HXCOMP.EXE
installed on my machine anywhere.
According to 07001,it’s only
in version 1.0 of the VS 2008 SDK. I
have Visual Studio 2008 installed.
— 07002


Where can I download HxComp.exe?

  • VS 2010 doesn’t use MS Help2 format so there is no Help2
    compiler available for it
    . Starting
    with VS 2010,the new MS Help Viewer
    format is used

  • For VS 2008 hxcomp.exe is a part of VS 2008 SDK version 1.0. Note,the
    latest version VS 2008 SDK doesn’t
    contain hxcomp.exe,so you need to
    install version 1.0! It is probably
    possible to install version 1.0 and
    then the latest version over it.

  • For VS 2005 hxcomp.exe is a part of VS 2005 SDK.

  • For VS .NET 2003 hxcomp.exe is a part of VSHIK 2003.

  • For VS .NET 2002 hxcomp.exe is a part of VSHIK 2002 (Visual Studio Help
    Integration Kit v2.1).

— Excerpted from 07003

虽然我通过安装推荐的VS 2008 SDK 1.0找到了解决方案,但您可能会使用这些点中列出的备用源.
