Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tous droits r‚serv‚s example: cscript myvbs.vbs file.txt >result.txt
尝试// Nologo Prevent徽标显示:执行时不会显示横幅
C:\>cscript Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Usage: CScript scriptname.extension [option...] [arguments...] Options: //B Batch mode: Suppresses script errors and prompts from displaying //D Enable Active Debugging //E:engine Use engine for executing script //H:CScript Changes the default script host to CScript.exe //H:WScript Changes the default script host to WScript.exe (default) //I Interactive mode (default,opposite of //B) //Job:xxxx Execute a WSF job //logo Display logo (default) //Nologo Prevent logo display: No banner will be shown at execution time //S Save current command line options for this user //T:nn Time out in seconds: Maximum time a script is permitted to run //X Execute script in debugger //U Use Unicode for redirected I/O from the console