要个VB.NET的Socket使用例子 要个VB.NET的Socket使用例子,最简单的就可以了 能在两台能互通信! 如果能用的网页也可以,分不够再加!! __________________________________________________________________________ 以前写的,不知道对你有用没? Text
Box1 为要连接的ip Text
Box2 为呢称 RichText
Box1 为聊天
内容 RichText
Box2 为要发送的
内容 Button1 发送 Imports System.Threading Imports System.Net Imports System.Net.Sockets Public Class Form1 Dim MyTcpListener As TcpListener Dim MyListenThread As Thread Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object,ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
关闭SOCKET Try If Me.MyTcpListener IsNot Nothing Then
关闭监听器 Me.MyTcpListener.Stop() End If If Me.MyListenThread IsNot Nothing Then 如果线程还处于运行状态就
关闭它 If Me.MyListenThread.ThreadState <> ThreadState.Running Then Me.MyListenThread.Abort() End If End If Catch ex As Exception Message
BoxIcon.Information) End Try e.Cancel = False End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 开始监听() 创建监听线程 Me.MyListenThread = New Thread(AddressOf StartListen) 启动线程 Me.MyListenThread.Start() End Sub Private Sub StartListen() MyTcpListener = New TcpListener(888) 开始监听 MyTcpListener.Start() While (True)
获取TcpClient Dim MyTcpClient As TcpClient = MyTcpListener.AcceptTcpClient() Dim MyStream As NetworkStream = MyTcpClient.GetStream() Dim MyBytes(1024) As Byte Dim MyBytesRead As Integer = MyStream.Read(MyBytes,MyBytes.Length) Dim MyMessage As String = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding( gb2312 ).GetString(MyBytes,MyBytesRead) Me.RichText
Box2.AppendText(MyMessage) End While End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If (Me.Text
Box1.Text.Length < 1 Or Me.Text
Box2.Text.Length < 1 Or Me.RichText
Box1.Text.Length < 1) Then Exit Sub End If Try Dim MyMessage As String = 消息来自( + Me.Text
Box2.Text + ): + Me.RichText
Box1.Text + Chr(10) + Chr(13) 根据目标计算机地址建立连接 Dim MyTcpClient As TcpClient = New TcpClient(Me.Text
Box1.Text,888) 获得用于
网络访问的数据流 Dim MyTcpStream As Net.Sockets.NetworkStream = MyTcpClient.GetStream() Dim MyStream As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(MyTcpStream,System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding( gb2312 )) 将字符串写入流 MyStream.Write(MyMessage) 将缓冲数据写入基础流 MyStream.Flush()
关闭网络流 MyStream.Close() MyTcpClient.Close() Me.RichText
Box2.AppendText( 发送: & Me.RichText
Box1.Text) Me.RichText
Box1.Clear() Catch ex As Exception Message
BoxIcon.Information) End Try End Sub End Class __________________________________________________________________________ 这个MSDN上不就有吗?? __________________________________________________________________________ 例子应该很多。 __________________________________________________________________________ 9494 __________________________________________________________________________ 给个监视封包的 Private tmpLocalIP As String Public Function MyReceive(ByVal LocalIP As String,ByVal LocalPort As Integer) As Boolean tmpLocalIP = LocalIP tmpSourceSocket = New Net.Sockets.Socket(Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork,Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw,Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.IP) tmpSourceSocket.Bind(New Net.IPEndPoint(Net.IPAddress.Parse(LocalIP),LocalPort)) Dim tmpIN() As Byte = {1,0} Dim tmpOUT(3) As Byte tmpSourceSocket.IOControl(&H98000001,tmpIN,tmpOUT) Dim tmpReceiveBuffer(4095) As Byte ReceiveMutex = New System.Threading.Mutex(False,LocalIP & LocalPort) Dim tmpReceiveThread As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf HideRecieve) tmpReceiveThread.Start() End Function Private tmpLast20DestinAddCounter As Integer = 0 Private Sub HideRecieve() If Not ReceiveMutex Is Nothing Then ReceiveMutex.WaitOne() Try While (StopReceive = False) Try ReDim tmpReceiveBuffer(4095) tmpSourceSocket.Receive(tmpReceiveBuffer) Dim tmpReceiveLength As Int16 = CInt(tmpReceiveBuffer(2)) < < 8 Or tmpReceiveBuffer(3) ReDim Preserve tmpReceiveBuffer(tmpReceiveLength - 1) If tmpReceiveBuffer(16) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(17) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(18) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(19) = tmpLocalIP Then Dim tmpSourcePort As Integer = CInt(tmpReceiveBuffer((tmpReceiveBuffer(0) And &HF) * 4)) < < 8 Or tmpReceiveBuffer((tmpReceiveBuffer(0) And &HF) * 4 + 1) Dim tmpTargetPort As Integer = CInt(tmpReceiveBuffer((tmpReceiveBuffer(0) And &HF) * 4 + 2)) < < 8 Or tmpReceiveBuffer((tmpReceiveBuffer(0) And &HF) * 4 + 3) tmpLast20DestinAdd(tmpLast20DestinAddCounter,0) = tmpReceiveBuffer(12) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(13) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(14) & . & tmpReceiveBuffer(15) & : & tmpSourcePort & : & tmpTargetPort tmpLast20DestinAdd(tmpLast20DestinAddCounter,1) = CInt(tmpReceiveBuffer(2)) < < 8 Or tmpReceiveBuffer(3) tmpLast20DestinAddCounter += 1 If tmpLast20DestinAddCounter > 19 Then tmpLast20DestinAddCounter = 0 End If End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End While Catch ex As Exception Finally ReceiveMutex.ReleaseMutex() End Try End If End Sub __________________________________________________________________________ 未去试,不过先比诚意分 __________________________________________________________________________ 没成功,收不到消息 __________________________________________________________________________