下面的代码示例是一个事件处理程序,该处理程序在 Text 属性值更改时执行。 Control 类有几个名称模式为PropertyNameChanged的方法,它们在相应的PropertyName值(PropertyName表示相应的属性名)更改时引发。
Private Sub currencyTextBox_TextChanged(sender As Object,_ e As EventArgs) Handles currencyTextBox.TextChanged Try ' Convert the text to a Double and determine if it is a negative number. If Double.Parse(currencyTextBox.Text) < 0 Then ' If the number is negative,display it in Red. currencyTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red Else ' If the number is not negative,display it in Black. currencyTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Black End If Catch ' If there is an error,display the text using the system colors. currencyTextBox.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText End Try End Sub