Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84 Const HTLEFT As Integer = 10 Const HTRIGHT As Integer = 11 Const HTTOP As Integer = 12 Const HTTOPLEFT As Integer = 13 Const HTTOPRIGHT As Integer = 14 Const HTBOTTOM As Integer = 15 Const HTBOTTOMLEFT As Integer = &H10 Const HTBOTTOMRIGHT As Integer = 17 Protected Overloads Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message) MyBase.WndProc(m) Select Case m.Msg Case WM_NCHITTEST Dim vPoint As New Point(CInt(m.LParam) And &HFFFF,CInt(m.LParam) >> 16 And &HFFFF) vPoint = PointToClient(vPoint) If vPoint.X <= 5 Then If vPoint.Y <= 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTTOPLEFT,IntPtr) ElseIf vPoint.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTBOTTOMLEFT,IntPtr) Else m.Result = CType(HTLEFT,IntPtr) End If ElseIf vPoint.X >= ClientSize.Width - 5 Then If vPoint.Y <= 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTTOPRIGHT,IntPtr) ElseIf vPoint.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTBOTTOMRIGHT,IntPtr) Else m.Result = CType(HTRIGHT,IntPtr) End If ElseIf vPoint.Y <= 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTTOP,IntPtr) ElseIf vPoint.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 5 Then m.Result = CType(HTBOTTOM,IntPtr) End If Exit Select End Select End Sub@H_502_6@