VB6 创建RAS "宽带连接" 代码

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了VB6 创建RAS "宽带连接" 代码前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

一段基于RAS 拨号 创建拨号连接的代码


Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any,Source As Any,ByVal Length As Long)

Private Type GUID
Data1 As Long
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4(7) As Byte
End Type

Private Type RASIPADDR
a As Byte
b As Byte
c As Byte
d As Byte
End Type

Private Type RASENTRY
dwSize As Long
dwfOptions As Long
dwCountryID As Long
dwCountryCode As Long
szAreaCode(10) As Byte
szLocalPhoneNumber(128) As Byte
dwAlternateOffset As Long
ipaddrDns As RASIPADDR
ipaddrDnsAlt As RASIPADDR
ipaddrWins As RASIPADDR
ipaddrWinsAlt As RASIPADDR
dwFrameSize As Long
dwfNetProtocols As Long
dwFramingProtocol As Long
szScript(259) As Byte
szAutodialDll(259) As Byte
szAutodialFunc(259) As Byte
szDeviceType(16) As Byte
szDeviceName(128) As Byte
szX25PadType(32) As Byte
szX25Address(200) As Byte
szX25Facilities(200) As Byte
szX25UserData(200) As Byte
dwChannels As Long
dwReserved1 As Long
dwReserved2 As Long
dwSubEntries As Long
dwDialMode As Long
dwDialExtraPercent As Long
dwDialExtraSampleSeconds As Long
dwHangUpExtraPercent As Long
dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds As Long
dwIdleDisconnectSeconds As Long
dwType As Long
dwEncryptionType As Long
dwCustomAuthKey As Long
guidId As GUID
szCustomDialDll(259) As Byte
dwVpnStrategy As Long
dwfOptions2 As Long
dwfOptions3 As Long
szDnsSuffix(255) As Byte
dwTcpWindowSize As Long
szPrerequisitePbk(259) As Byte
szPrerequisiteEntry(256) As Byte
dwRedialCount As Long
dwRedialPause As Long
End Type

dwSize As Long
dwMask As Long
szUserName(256) As Byte
szPassword(256) As Byte
szDomain(15) As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Function RasSetEntryProperties Lib "rasapi32" Alias "RasSetEntryPropertiesA" (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String,ByVal lpszEntry As String,lpRasEntry As RASENTRY,ByVal dwEntryInfoSize As Long,ByVal lpbDeviceInfo As Long,ByVal dwDeviceInfoSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RasSetCredentials Lib "rasapi32" Alias "RasSetCredentialsA" (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String,lpCredentials As RASCREDENTIALS,ByVal fClearCredentials As Long) As Long

Function Create_PPPoE_Connection(ByVal sEntryName As String,ByVal sUsername As String,ByVal sPassword As String) As Boolean
Create_PPPoE_Connection = False

Dim sDeviceName As String,sDeviceType As String
sDeviceName = "WAN 微型端口 (PPPOE)"
sDeviceType = "PPPoE"
With re
.dwSize = LenB(re)
.dwCountryCode = 86
.dwCountryID = 86
.dwDialExtraPercent = 75
.dwDialExtraSampleSeconds = 120
.dwDialMode = 1
.dwEncryptionType = 3
.dwfNetProtocols = 4
.dwfOptions = 1024262928
.dwfOptions2 = 367
.dwFramingProtocol = 1
.dwHangUpExtraPercent = 10
.dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds = 120
.dwRedialCount = 3
.dwRedialPause = 60
.dwType = 5
CopyMemory .szDeviceName(0),ByVal sDeviceName,Len(sDeviceName)
CopyMemory .szDeviceType(0),ByVal sDeviceType,Len(sDeviceType)
End With

With rc
.dwSize = LenB(rc)
.dwMask = 11
CopyMemory .szUserName(0),ByVal sUsername,Len(sUsername)
CopyMemory .szPassword(0),ByVal sPassword,Len(sPassword)
End With

Dim rtn As Long
If RasSetEntryProperties(vbNullString,sEntryName,re,LenB(re),0) = 0 Then
If RasSetCredentials(vbNullString,rc,0) = 0 Then
Create_PPPoE_Connection = True
End If
End If
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sEntryName As String,sUsername As String,sPassword As String sEntryName = "宽带连接2" sUsername = "用户名" sPassword = "密码" If Create_PPPoE_Connection(sEntryName,sUsername,sPassword) Then MsgBox "连接建立成功!" Else MsgBox "连接建立失败!" End IfEnd Sub

