

Imports System.Net

Imports System.Threading

Imports System.Text

Imports System.Net.Sockets

Module Module1

Dim PortNumber As Integer = 1984 '侦听端口号 google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad",google_handleError,google_render_ad);

Dim Cmd As String = "Chat:" '提示

Dim listener As Socket '侦听socket

Dim tListener As Thread '侦听线程

Dim Prompted As Boolean = False '用于线程间同步的标志变量

Sub Main()

Welcome() '欢迎信息

StartListener() '开始侦听

StartChatting() '准备好让用户发送消息

End Sub

Private Sub Welcome()

Dim txtMessage As String = VBCrLf & "Welcome! I am a console application for LAN chatting." & vbCrLf


End Sub

Private Sub StartListener()

Dim ready As Boolean = False

Dim LocalPoint As IPEndPoint

Dim msg As String

While Not ready '向用户询问侦听端口号。用户可以直接回车,表示选择默认的。

msg = GetParams("===Now,enter the local port you want to listen(" & PortNumber & "):")

If msg = "" Then msg = PortNumber


PortNumber = Int(msg)

LocalPoint = New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName).AddressList(0),PortNumber)

listener = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Dgram,ProtocolType.Udp)


ready = True

Catch ex As Exception

Console.WriteLine("※※※ERROR※※※ " & VBCrLf & ex.Message & vbCrLf)

End Try

End While

tListener = New Thread(AddressOf thrListener)


End Sub

Private Sub StartChatting()

Dim RemoteHost As String = Dns.GetHostName

Dim RemotePort As Integer = 1984

Dim RemotePoint As IPEndPoint

Dim ready As Boolean = False

Dim msg As String

While Not ready '向用户询问发送消息的目标主机和端口。用户可以直接回车,表示选择默认的。

msg = GetParams("---enter the name of the one you want to chat with(" & RemoteHost & "):")

If Not msg = "" Then RemoteHost = msg

msg = GetParams("---enter the port number that guy listening at(" & RemotePort & "):")

If msg = "" Then msg = RemotePort


RemotePort = Int(msg)

RemotePoint = New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName(RemoteHost).AddressList(0),RemotePort)

ready = True

Catch ex As Exception

Console.WriteLine("※※※ERROR※※※ " & VBCrLf & ex.Message & vbCrLf)

End Try

End While


Console.WriteLine("OK,now you can chat. Type ""help"" to find out what you can do.")


Dim sender As New UdpClient

Dim Message As String = Prompt()

While True '用户现在可以开始发送消息

Prompted = False

Select Case Message.ToLower

Case "exit"

Exit While

Case "help"


Case Else

Dim ByArr As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Message)

sender.Send(ByArr,ByArr.Length,RemotePoint) '发出消息

End Select

Message = Prompt()

End While



End Sub

Private Function GetParams(ByVal Msg As String) As String


Return Console.ReadLine

End Function

Private Function Prompt() As String

If Not Prompted Then


Prompted = True

End If

Return Console.ReadLine

End Function

Private Sub thrListener() '侦听线程

Dim bytes(4096) As Byte

Dim NumGet As Integer

Dim Msg As String

While True

Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for a message...")

NumGet = listener.Receive(bytes) '接收

Prompted = False

Msg = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes,NumGet) '与发送消息一样使用unicode编码

Console.WriteLine(VBCrLf & ">>>>>>>>>" & Msg & vbCrLf) If Not Prompted Then Console.Write(Cmd) Prompted = True End If End While End Sub Private Sub ShowHelp() Console.WriteLine("") Console.WriteLine("========================================================================") Console.WriteLine("This program is very simple,you can type ""exit"" to exit program.") Console.WriteLine("========================================================================") Console.WriteLine("") End Sub End Module

