前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了VB MSHFLEXGRID MSHFLEXGRID 同时选中不连续的多行前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

在工程中添加一个类模块,名为 Selection 然后加入以下代码: Dim colRows As Collection Dim ControlKey As Boolean Public WithEvents flx As MSFlexGrid Public Sub ToggleSelection() Dim x As Integer Dim d Dim mode As Boolean Dim OldRow,OldCol x = flx.Row If x = 0 Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next OldRow = flx.Row OldCol = flx.col d = colRows(CStr(x)) If Err Then ' not add colRows.Add x,CStr(x) mode = True Else colRows.Remove CStr(x) 'remove mode = False End If MakeSelectedStatus x,mode flx.Row = OldRow flx.col = OldCol End Sub Private Sub MakeSelectedStatus(Row As Integer,mode As Boolean) Dim col Dim Fcolor As Long,BColor As Long If mode Then Fcolor = flx.ForeColorSel BColor = flx.BackColorSel Else Fcolor = vbBlack BColor = vbWhite End If With flx .Visible = False .Row = Row For col = 1 To .Cols - 1 .col = col .CellBackColor = BColor .CellForeColor = Fcolor Next col .Visible = True End With End Sub Public Sub ClearSelection() ' Dim x Dim OldRow,OldCol With flx OldRow = .Row OldCol = .col For Each x In colRows MakeSelectedStatus CInt(x),False Next .Row = OldRow .col = OldCol End With End Sub Public Property Get SelectedRow() As Collection Set SelectedRow = colRows End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set colRows = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set colRows = Nothing End Sub Private Sub flx_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) ' If KeyCode = 17 Then ControlKey = True End Sub Private Sub flx_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 17 Then ControlKey = False End Sub Private Sub flx_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,x As Single,y As Single) ' If Button <> 1 Then Exit Sub If Not ControlKey Then ClearSelection Else ToggleSelection End If End Sub 在你使用以前,请声明 Dim mSelection as New Selection ... Set mSelection.Flx=MSFlexGrid1

