

时候用 "CreateObject("Inventor.Application")"来启动Inventor会失败,但是随后再执行这个命令时Inventor又会成功启动,这是怎么回事?下面是我们的技术专家的解释以及解决办法:

Inventor starts up very slowly when none of its DLLs are in the system's file cache. Restarting the computer clears the file cache so that the first instantiation of Inventor takes a very long time to initialize. When Inventor is started via automation,it must call CoRegisterClassObject within two minutes of the process starting,or else COM assumes the process Failed to start and raises a CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE 0x80080005 exception in the calling program. This has the effect of killing the inventor.exe process providing the caller with a useless pointer/reference and potentially an unhandled exception. Subsequent attempts to start inventor.exe will use the DLLs in the file cache and the process generally starts much more quickly and does not time out

You can pre-load the libraries by running and exiting Inventor prior to running a utility program. This process is generally needed only one time after each computer restart; subsequent use of the utility programs will reuse the cached libraries loaded earlier in the Windows session. If you have multiple releases of Inventor installed,be sure to run and exit the Inventor release that matches the version number of the utility program you would like to run. Running and exiting a specific release of Inventor will set a value in the Windows registry so the utility programs can detect which installation is active.

An alternative solution is to launch Inventor as a local COM server: in this case the timeout can be up to three minutes and it is generally enough to allow the process to run. The following VB.NET sample shows how to accomplish this.


Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class clsLocalSrv

Public Shared Function StartAsLocalServer(ByVal ProgId As String,_

ByVal nMilliSeconds As Integer,_

ByRef oApplication As Object) As Boolean

Dim enUS As New Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")

Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = enUS

Dim commandName As String = ""

Dim arguments As String = ""

Dim oRegKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey,oCls As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

Dim oVal As Object,sName As String,oDir As Object


oCls = Registry.ClassesRoot

oRegKey = oCls.OpenSubKey(ProgId + "//CLSID",False)

oVal = oRegKey.GetValue("",Nothing)

oRegKey = oCls.OpenSubKey("CLSID//" & oVal & "//LocalServer32",False)

oDir = oRegKey.GetValue("",Nothing)



sName = oDir

Dim nIndex As Long

nIndex = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStrRev(sName,"/automation",CompareMethod.Text)

commandName = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(sName,nIndex - 1)

arguments = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(sName,(sName.Length() - nIndex + 1))

Catch ex As Exception


Exit Function

End Try

' Start the program

Dim oProcess As Process = Process.Start(commandName,arguments)

' Loop until run out of time or get the process's object.

Dim Start,Finish As Double

Start = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer

Finish = Start + (nMilliSeconds / 1000)

Do While Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer < Finish


oApplication = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject(ProgId)

If Not oApplication Is Nothing Then

Return True

End If

Catch ex As Exception

' Keep trying until run out of time

End Try



' Failed to get the running object,stop the process


Return False

End Function

End Class


If clsLocalSrv.StartAsLocalServer("Inventor.Application",120000,m_inventorApp) = True Then


End If

