Private Sub HFlexgrid_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,y As Single) '单击选择或不选择 With HFlexgrid If .rows < 2 Then Exit Sub If .Row < 1 Or .Row > .rows - 1 Then Exit Sub If .TextMatrix(.Row,0) = "√" Then .TextMatrix(.Row,0) = "" '减少“选中金额” If Trim(.TextMatrix(.Row,3)) = "31" Then txtfSumMoney_RMB.Text = Format(CDbl(txtfSumMoney_RMB.Text) - CDbl(.TextMatrix(.Row,9)),"###0.00") End If If Trim(.TextMatrix(.Row,3)) = "32" Then txtfSumMoney_USD.Text = Format(CDbl(txtfSumMoney_USD.Text) - CDbl(.TextMatrix(.Row,11)),"###0.00") End If '改变行颜色 For i_Col = 0 To .Cols - 1 .Col = i_Col .CellBackColor = vbWhite Next i_Col Else .TextMatrix(.Row,0) = "√" '增加“选中金额” If Trim(.TextMatrix(.Row,3)) = "31" Then txtfSumMoney_RMB.Text = Format(CDbl(txtfSumMoney_RMB.Text) + CDbl(.TextMatrix(.Row,3)) = "32" Then txtfSumMoney_USD.Text = Format(CDbl(txtfSumMoney_USD.Text) + CDbl(.TextMatrix(.Row,"###0.00") End If '改变行颜色 For i_Col = 0 To .Cols - 1 .Col = i_Col .CellBackColor = &H80C0FF Next i_Col End If End WithEnd Sub