//============================================================================== // Unit Name: PwdEdit // Author : ysai // Purpose : 密码输入框控件 // History : 2007-04-24 //============================================================================== unit PwdEdit; interface uses Windows,Messages,SysUtils,StdCtrls,Controls,Classes; const UM_GetText = WM_USER + $201; UM_SETPASSWORDCHAR = WM_USER + $202; type TPasswordEdit = class(TEdit) private FPasswordChar: Char; function GetPasswordText: string; procedure SetPasswordText(const Value: string); procedure SetPasswordChar(const Value: Char); protected procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); override; procedure CreateWnd; override; published property PasswordText : string read GetPasswordText Write SetPasswordText; property PasswordChar: Char read FPasswordChar write SetPasswordChar default #0; end; implementation { TPasswordEdit } procedure TPasswordEdit.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); procedure GetPasswordText(var Msg: TMessage); var ps : PChar; len : Integer; begin ps := Pointer(Msg.lParam); len := Msg.wParam; ZeroMemory(ps,len); if Length(PasswordText) < len then len := Length(PasswordText); FillMemory(ps,len,Byte(PasswordChar)); Msg.Result := len; end; begin case Msg.Msg of WM_GETTEXT : begin if PasswordChar = #0 then inherited else GetPasswordText(Msg); end; UM_GetText : begin Msg.Msg := WM_GETTEXT; inherited; end; EM_GETLINE : begin if PasswordChar = #0 then inherited else if Msg.wParam = 0 then Msg.Result := Length(PasswordText) else GetPasswordText(Msg); end; EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR :; UM_SETPASSWORDCHAR : begin Msg.Msg := EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR; inherited; end; else inherited; end; end; procedure TPasswordEdit.CreateWnd; begin inherited CreateWnd; if PasswordChar <> #0 then SendMessage(Handle,UM_SETPASSWORDCHAR,Ord(FPasswordChar),0); end; function TPasswordEdit.GetPasswordText: string; var ps : array[0..MAXBYTE] of char; begin SendMessage(Handle,UM_GetText,MAXBYTE,Longint(@ps)); Result := strpas(ps); end; procedure TPasswordEdit.SetPasswordChar(const Value: Char); begin if FPasswordChar <> Value then begin FPasswordChar := Value; if HandleAllocated then begin SendMessage(Handle,0); SetTextBuf(PChar(PasswordText)); end; end; end; procedure TPasswordEdit.SetPasswordText(const Value: string); begin Text := Value; end; end.