02-08 控制AutoCAD环境(八) 提示用户输入

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了02-08 控制AutoCAD环境(八) 提示用户输入前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Prompt for User Input 提示用户输入

The Editor object,which is a child of the Document object,defines the user input methods. The user input methods display a prompt on the AutoCAD command line or in a dynamic input tooltip,and request input of varIoUs types. This type of user input is most useful for interactive input of screen coordinates,entity selection,and short-string or numeric values. If your application requires the input of numerous options or values,a Windows form may be more appropriate than individual prompts.


Each user input method displays an optional prompt on the command line and returns a value specific to the type of input requested. For example,GetString returns a PromptResult which allows you to determine the status of the GetString method and retrieve the string the user entered. Each one of the user input methods has a specific return value.


The input methods accept a string for the prompt message to be displayed or a specific object type which controls the input from the user. These object types let you control things such as NULL input (pressing Enter),base point,input of zero or negative numbers,and input of arbitrary text values.


To force the prompt to be displayed on a line by itself,use the carriage return/lineFeed constant (vbCrLf) or lineFeed constant (vbLf) at the beginning of your prompt strings when using VB.NET,or "\n" with strings in C#.


Topics in this section本节主题

· GetString Method GetString方法

· GetPoint Method GetPoint方法

· GetKeywords Method GetKeywords方法

· Control User Input 控制用户输入

1、GetString Method GetString方法

The GetString method prompts the user for the input of a string at the Command prompt. The PromptStringOptions object allows you to control the input entered and how the prompt message appears. The AllowSpaces property of the PromptStringOptions object controls if spaces are allowed or not at the prompt. If set to false,pressing the Spacebar terminates the input.


Get a string value from the user at the AutoCAD command line 在AutoCAD命令行获取用户输入的字符串

The following example displays the Enter Your Name prompt,and requires that the input from the user be terminated by pressing Enter (spaces are allowed in the input string). The entered string is displayed in a message Box.

下面例子显示“Enter Your Name”的提示,并要求用户按Enter键完成输入(允许输入空格)。输入的字符串显示在消息框内。


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

<CommandMethod("GetStringFromUser")> _

Public Sub GetStringFromUser()

Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

Dim pStrOpts As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions(vbLf & _

"Enter your name: ")

pStrOpts.AllowSpaces = True

Dim pStrRes As PromptResult = acDoc.Editor.GetString(pStrOpts)

Application.ShowAlertDialog("The name entered was: " & _


End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;


public static void GetStringFromUser()


Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

PromptStringOptions pStrOpts = new PromptStringOptions("\nEnter your name: ");

pStrOpts.AllowSpaces = true;

PromptResult pStrRes = acDoc.Editor.GetString(pStrOpts);

Application.ShowAlertDialog("The name entered was: " +



VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub GetStringFromUser()

Dim retVal As String

retVal = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString _

(1,vbCrLf & "Enter your name: ")

MsgBox "The name entered was: " & retVal

End Sub

2、GetPoint Method GetPoint方法

The GetPoint method prompts the user to specify a point at the Command prompt. The PromptPointOptions object allows you to control the input entered and how the prompt message appears. The UseBasePoint and BasePoint properties of the PromptPointOptions object controls if a rubber-band line is drawn from a base point. The Keywords property of the PromptPointOptions object allows you to define keywords that can be entered at the Command prompt in addition to specifying a point.


Get a point selected by the user 获取用户选取的点

The following example prompts the user for two points,then draws a line using those points as the start point and endpoint.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

<CommandMethod("GetPointsFromUser")> _

Public Sub GetPointsFromUser()

'' Get the current database and start the Transaction Manager

Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database

Dim pPtRes As PromptPointResult

Dim pPtOpts As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("")

'' Prompt for the start point

pPtOpts.Message = vbLf & "Enter the start point of the line: "

pPtRes = acDoc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts)

Dim ptStart As Point3d = pPtRes.Value

'' Exit if the user presses ESC or cancels the command

If pPtRes.Status = PromptStatus.Cancel Then Exit Sub

'' Prompt for the end point

pPtOpts.Message = vbLf & "Enter the end point of the line: "

pPtOpts.UseBasePoint = True

pPtOpts.BasePoint = ptStart

pPtRes = acDoc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts)

Dim ptEnd As Point3d = pPtRes.Value

If pPtRes.Status = PromptStatus.Cancel Then Exit Sub

'' Start a transaction

Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()

Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable

Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord

'' Open Model space for write

acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,_


acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace),_


'' Define the new line

Dim acLine As Line = New Line(ptStart,ptEnd)

'' Add the line to the drawing



'' Zoom to the extents or limits of the drawing

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._zoom _all ",True,False,False)

'' Commit the changes and dispose of the transaction


End Using

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;


public static void GetPointsFromUser()


// Get the current database and start the Transaction Manager

Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

PromptPointResult pPtRes;

PromptPointOptions pPtOpts = new PromptPointOptions("");

// Prompt for the start point

pPtOpts.Message = "\nEnter the start point of the line: ";

pPtRes = acDoc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts);

Point3d ptStart = pPtRes.Value;

// Exit if the user presses ESC or cancels the command

if (pPtRes.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel) return;

// Prompt for the end point

pPtOpts.Message = "\nEnter the end point of the line: ";

pPtOpts.UseBasePoint = true;

pPtOpts.BasePoint = ptStart;

pPtRes = acDoc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts);

Point3d ptEnd = pPtRes.Value;

if (pPtRes.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel) return;

// Start a transaction

using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())


BlockTable acBlkTbl;

BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;

// Open Model space for write

acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

// Define the new line

Line acLine = new Line(ptStart,ptEnd);

// Add the line to the drawing



// Zoom to the extents or limits of the drawing

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._zoom _all ",true,false,false);

// Commit the changes and dispose of the transaction




VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub GetPointsFromUser()

Dim startPnt As Variant

Dim endpnt As Variant

Dim prompt1 As String

Dim prompt2 As String

prompt1 = vbCrLf & "Enter the start point of the line: "

prompt2 = vbCrLf & "Enter the end point of the line: "

' Get the first point without entering a base point

startPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(,prompt1)

' Use the point entered above as the base point

endpnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(startPnt,prompt2)

' Create a line using the two points entered

ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine startPnt,endpnt


End Sub

3、GetKeywords Method GetKeywords方法

The GetKeywords method prompts the user for input of a keyword at the Command prompt. The PromptKeywordOptions object allows you to control the input entered and how the prompt message appears. The Keywords property of the PromptKeywordOptions object allows you to define keywords that can be entered at the Command prompt.


Get a keyword from the user at the AutoCAD command line 从AutoCAD命令行获取用户输入的关键字

The following example forces the user to enter a keyword by setting the property AllowNone to false,which disallows NULL input (pressing Enter). The Keywords property is used to add the valid keywords allowed.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

<CommandMethod("GetKeywordFromUser")> _

Public Sub GetKeywordFromUser()

Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

Dim pKeyOpts As PromptKeywordOptions = New PromptKeywordOptions("")

pKeyOpts.Message = vbLf & "Enter an option "




pKeyOpts.AllowNone = False

Dim pKeyRes As PromptResult = acDoc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts)

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " &pKeyRes.StringResult)

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;


public static void GetKeywordFromUser()


Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

PromptKeywordOptions pKeyOpts = new PromptKeywordOptions("");

pKeyOpts.Message = "\nEnter an option ";




pKeyOpts.AllowNone = false;

PromptResult pKeyRes = acDoc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts);

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " + pKeyRes.StringResult);


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub GetKeywordFromUser()

Dim keyWord As String

ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 1,"Line Circle Arc"

keyWord = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetKeyword _

(vbCrLf & "Enter an option [Line/Circle/Arc]: ")

MsgBox keyWord,"GetKeyword Example"

End Sub

A more user-friendly keyword prompt is one that provides a default value if the user presses Enter (NULL input). Notice the minor modifications to the following example.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

<CommandMethod("GetKeywordFromUser2")> _

Public Sub GetKeywordFromUser2()

Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

Dim pKeyOpts As PromptKeywordOptions = New PromptKeywordOptions("")

pKeyOpts.Message = vbLf & "Enter an option "




pKeyOpts.Keywords.Default = "Arc"

pKeyOpts.AllowNone = True

Dim pKeyRes As PromptResult = acDoc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts)

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " & pKeyRes.StringResult)

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;


public static void GetKeywordFromUser2()


Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

PromptKeywordOptions pKeyOpts = new PromptKeywordOptions("");

pKeyOpts.Message = "\nEnter an option ";




pKeyOpts.Keywords.Default = "Arc";

pKeyOpts.AllowNone = true;

PromptResult pKeyRes = acDoc.Editor.GetKeywords(pKeyOpts);

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " + pKeyRes.StringResult);


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub GetKeywordFromUser2()

Dim keyWord As String

ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 0,"Line Circle Arc"

keyWord = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetKeyword _

(vbCrLf & "Enter an option [Line/Circle/Arc] <Arc>: ")

If keyWord = "" Then keyWord = "Arc"

MsgBox keyWord,"GetKeyword Example"

End Sub

4、Control User Input 控制用户输入

When collecting input from the user,you want to make sure you limit the type of information they can enter so you can get the desired response. The varIoUs prompt option objects are used to not only define the prompt displayed at the Command prompt,but also restrict the input that the user can provide. With some of the input methods,not only can you get a return value based on the type of method used but also get a keyword.


For example,you can use the GetPoint method to have the user specify a point or respond with a keyword. This is how commands like LINE,CIRCLE,and PLINE work.


Get an integer value or a keyword 获取一个整数或一个关键字

The following example prompts the user for a positive non-zero integer value or a keyword.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

<CommandMethod("GetIntegerOrKeywordFromUser")> _

Public Sub GetIntegerOrKeywordFromUser()

Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

Dim pIntOpts As PromptIntegerOptions = New PromptIntegerOptions("")

pIntOpts.Message = vbCrLf & "Enter the size or "

'' Restrict input to positive and non-negative values

pIntOpts.AllowZero = False

pIntOpts.AllowNegative = False

'' Define the valid keywords and allow Enter




pIntOpts.Keywords.Default = "Regular"

pIntOpts.AllowNone = True

'' Get the value entered by the user

Dim pIntRes As PromptIntegerResult = acDoc.Editor.GetInteger(pIntOpts)

If pIntRes.Status = PromptStatus.Keyword Then

Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " & pIntRes.StringResult)


Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered value: " & pIntRes.Value.ToString())

End If

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;


public static void GetIntegerOrKeywordFromUser()


Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

PromptIntegerOptions pIntOpts = new PromptIntegerOptions("");

pIntOpts.Message = "\nEnter the size or ";

// Restrict input to positive and non-negative values


pIntOpts.AllowZero = false;

pIntOpts.AllowNegative = false;

// Define the valid keywords and allow Enter





pIntOpts.Keywords.Default = "Regular";

pIntOpts.AllowNone = true;

// Get the value entered by the user


PromptIntegerResult pIntRes = acDoc.Editor.GetInteger(pIntOpts);

if (pIntRes.Status == PromptStatus.Keyword)


Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered keyword: " + pIntRes.StringResult);




Application.ShowAlertDialog("Entered value: " + pIntRes.Value.ToString());



VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub GetIntegerOrKeywordFromUser()

' The first parameter of InitializeUserInput (6)

' restricts input to positive and non-negative

' values. The second parameter is the list of

' valid keywords.

ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 6,"Big Small Regular"

' Set the prompt string variable

Dim promptStr As String

promptStr = vbCrLf & "Enter the size or [Big/Small/Regular] <Regular>:"

' At the GetInteger prompt,entering a keyword or pressing

' ENTER without entering a value results in an error. To allow

' your application to continue and check for the error

' description,you must set the error handler to resume on error.

On Error Resume Next

' Get the value entered by the user

Dim returnInteger As Integer

returnInteger = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetInteger(promptStr)

' Check for an error. If the error number matches the

' one shown below,then use GetInput to get the returned

' string; otherwise,use the value of returnInteger.

If Err.Number = -2145320928 Then

Dim returnString As String

Debug.Print Err.Description

returnString = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetInput()

If returnString = "" Then 'ENTER returns null string

returnString = "Regular" 'Set to default

End If


Else 'Otherwise,

returnString = returnInteger 'Use the value entered

End If

' Display the result

MsgBox returnString,"InitializeUserInput Example"

End Sub

