4、Create Point Objects创建点对象
Point objects can be useful,for example,as node or reference points that you can snap to and offset objects from. Youcan set the style of the point and its size relative to the screen or inabsolute units.
The Pdmode and Pdsize properties of the Database object controlthe appearance of Point objects. A value of 0,2,3,and 4 for Pdmode specify a figure to draw through thepoint. A value of 1 selects nothing to be displayed.
Database对象的Pdmode属性和Pdsize属性用来控制Point对象的外观样式。 Pdmode取值为0、2、3和4指定通过点画的图形外观,取值为1表示什么都不显示。如下图:
Adding 32,64,or 96 to the prevIoUs valueselects a shape to draw around the point in addition to the figure drawnthrough it:
Pdsize controls the size of the point figures,except for when Pdmode is 0 and 1. A 0 setting generates the point at 5 percentof the graphics area height. Setting Pdsize to a positive value specifies an absolutesize for the point figures. A negative value is interpreted as a percentage ofthe viewport size. The size of all points is recalculated when the drawing isregenerated.
After you change Pdmode and Pdsize,the appearance of existing pointschanges the next time the drawing is regenerated.
The following example creates a Pointobject in Model space at the coordinate (4,0). The Pdmode and Pdsize properties are then updated.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Public SubAddPointAndSetPointStyle()
'' Get the current document and database
Dim acDoc As Document =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database
'' Start a transaction
Using acTrans As Transaction =acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
'' Open the Block table for read
Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable
acBlkTbl =acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,OpenMode.ForRead)
'' Open the Block table record Modelspace for write
Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord
acBlkTblRec =acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace),_
'' Create a point at (4,0) in Modelspace
Dim acPoint As DBPoint = New DBPoint(NewPoint3d(4,0))
'' Add the new object to the block tablerecord and the transaction
'' Set the style for all point objects inthe drawing
acCurDb.Pdmode = 34
acCurDb.Pdsize = 1
'' Save the new object to the database
End Using
End Sub
public static voidAddPointAndSetPointStyle()
// Get the current document and database获取当前文档和数据库
Document acDoc =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
// Start a transaction启动事务
using (Transaction acTrans =acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
// Open the Block table for read以读打开Block表
BlockTable acBlkTbl;
OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
// Open the Block table record Modelspace for write
BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
acBlkTblRec =acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],255)"> OpenMode.ForWrite)as BlockTableRecord;
// Create a point at (4,0) in Modelspace在Model空间创建一个点
DBPoint acPoint = new DBPoint(newPoint3d(4,0));
// Add the new object to the block tablerecord and the transaction
// Set the style for all point objects inthe drawing
acCurDb.Pdmode = 34;
acCurDb.Pdsize = 1;
// Save the new object to the database保存新对象到数据库
VBA/ActiveX CodeReference
Dim pointObj As AcadPoint
Dim location(0 To 2) As Double
' Define the location of the point
location(0) = 4#: location(1) = 3#: location(2)= 0#
' Create the point
Set pointObj =ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint(location)
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "PDMODE",34
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "PDSIZE",1
End Sub
5、Create Solid-Filled Areas创建实体填充区域
You can create triangular andquadrilateral areas filled with a color. When creating filled areas,set theFILLMODE system variable to off to improve performance and back on once thefills have been created.
When you create a quadrilateralsolid-filled area,the sequence of the third and fourth points determines itsshape. Compare the following illustrations:
The first two points define one edge ofthe polygon. The third point is defined diagonally opposite from the second. Ifthe fourth point is set equal to the third point,then a filled triangle iscreated.
For more information about filling solids,see “Create Solid-Filled Areas” in the AutoCAD User's Guide.
Create a solid-filled object 创建一个实体填充对象@H_404_44@
The following example creates aquadrilateral solid (bow-tie) in Model space using the coordinates (0,0),(5,8,and (0,0). It also creates a quadrilateral solid in arectangular shape using the coordinates (10,(15,(10,and(15,0).
下例用坐标(0,0)、 (5,0)和 (0,0)在Model空间创建一个四边形实体(蝴蝶结),还用坐标(10,0)、 (15,0)、 (10,0)和 (15,0)创建了一个长方形的四边实体。
Public SubAdd2DSolid()
'' Create a quadrilateral (bow-tie) solidin Model space
Dim ac2DSolidBow As Solid = New Solid(NewPoint3d(0,255)"> NewPoint3d(5,255)"> NewPoint3d(0,255)"> acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(ac2DSolidBow)
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ac2DSolidBow,255)"> '' Create a quadrilateral (square) solidin Model space
Dim ac2DSolidSqr As Solid = New Solid(NewPoint3d(10,255)"> NewPoint3d(15,255)"> NewPoint3d(10,255)"> acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(ac2DSolidSqr)
public static voidAdd2DSolid()
// Get the current document and database
// Start a transaction
// Open the Block table for read
BlockTable acBlkTbl;
OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
// Create a quadrilateral (bow-tie) solidin Model space
Solid ac2DSolidBow = new Solid(newPoint3d(0,255)"> newPoint3d(5,255)"> newPoint3d(0,255)"> //将新对象添加到块表记录并登记事务
// Create a quadrilateral (square) solidin Model space
Solid ac2DSolidSqr = new Solid(new Point3d(10,255)"> newPoint3d(15,255)"> newPoint3d(10,255)"> acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(ac2DSolidSqr);
// Save the new object to the database
VBA/ActiveX Code Reference
Sub Add2DSolid()
Dim solidObj As AcadSolid
Dim point1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim point2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim point3(0 To 2) As Double
Dim point4(0 To 2) As Double
' Define the solid
point1(0) = 0#: point1(1) = 0#: point1(2) =0#
point2(0) = 5#: point2(1) = 0#: point2(2) =0#
point3(0) = 5#: point3(1) = 8#: point3(2) =0#
point4(0) = 0#: point4(1) = 8#: point4(2) =0#
' Create the solid object in model space
Set solidObj =ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSolid(point1,point2,point3,point4)
point1(0) = 10#: point1(1) = 0#: point1(2)= 0#
point2(0) = 15#: point2(1) = 0#: point2(2)= 0#
point3(0) = 10#: point3(1) = 8#: point3(2)= 0#
point4(0) = 15#: point4(1) = 8#: point4(2)= 0#
End Sub
6、Work with Regions使用面域
Regions are two-dimensional enclosed areasyou create from closed shapes called loops. A loop is a closed boundary that ismade up of straight and curved objects which do not intersect themselves. Loopscan be combinations of lines,lightweight polylines,2D and 3D polylines,circles,arcs,ellipses,elliptical arcs,splines,3D faces,traces,andsolids.
The objects that make up the loops musteither be closed or form closed areas by sharing endpoints with other objects.They must also be coplanar (on the same plane). The loops that make up a regionmust be defined as an array of objects.
For more information about working withregions,see “Create and Combine Areas (Regions)” in the AutoCAD User'sGuide.
Topics in this section本小节内容
·Create Regions 创建面域
·Create Composite Regions 创建组合面域
6.1、Create Regions创建面域
Regions are added to a BlockTableRecordobject by creating an instance of a Region object and then appending it to aBlockTableRecord. Before you can add it to a BlockTableRecord object,a regionneeds to be calculated based on the objects that form the closed loop. The CreateFromCurves function creates a region out of everyclosed loop formed by the input array of objects. The CreateFromCurves method returns and requires a DBObjectCollectionobject.
AutoCAD converts closed 2D and planar 3Dpolylines to separate regions,then converts polylines,lines,and curves thatform closed planar loops. If more than two curves share an endpoint,theresulting region might be arbitrary. Because of this,several regions mayactually be created with the CreateFromCurves method. You need to append each regioncreated to a BlockTableRecord object.
Create a simple region 创建一个简单面域@H_404_44@
The following example creates a regionfrom a single circle.
Public SubAddRegion()
acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace),255)"> '' Create an in memory circle
Using acCirc As Circle = New Circle()
acCirc.Center = New Point3d(2,0)
acCirc.Radius = 5
'' Adds the circle to an object array
Dim acDBObjColl As DBObjectCollection= New DBObjectCollection()
'' Calculate the regions based oneach closed loop
Dim myRegionColl AsDBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()
myRegionColl =Region.CreateFromCurves(acDBObjColl)
Dim acRegion As Region =myRegionColl(0)
'' Add the new object to the blocktable record and the transaction
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acRegion,255)"> '' Dispose of the in memory objectnot appended to the database
public static voidAddRegion()
// Create an in memory circle在内存创建一个圆
using (Circle acCirc = new Circle())
acCirc.Center = new Point3d(2,0);
acCirc.Radius = 5;
// Adds the circle to an object array将圆添加到对象数组
DBObjectCollection acDBObjColl = newDBObjectCollection();
// Calculate the regions based oneach closed loop
DBObjectCollection myRegionColl = newDBObjectCollection();
myRegionColl = Region.CreateFromCurves(acDBObjColl);
Region acRegion = myRegionColl[0] asRegion;
// Add the new object to the blocktable record and the transaction
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acRegion,255)"> // Dispose of the in memory circlenot appended to the database
Sub AddRegion()
' Define an array to hold the
' boundaries of the region.
Dim curves(0 To 0) As AcadCircle
' Create a circle to become a
' boundary for the region.
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
Dim radius As Double
center(0) = 2
center(1) = 2
center(2) = 0
radius = 5#
Set curves(0) =ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(center,radius)
' Create the region
Dim regionObj As Variant
regionObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(curves)
End Sub
6.2、Create Composite Regions创建组合面域
You can create composite regions bysubtracting,combining,or finding the intersection of regions or 3D solids.You can then extrude or revolve composite regions to create complex solids. Tocreate a composite region,use the BooleanOperation method.
Subtract regions 差集面域@H_404_44@
When you subtract one region from another,you call the BooleanOperation method from the first region. This is theregion from which you want to subtract. For example,to calculate how muchcarpeting is needed for a floor plan,call the BooleanOperation method from the outer boundary of thefloor space and use the non-carpeted areas,such as pillars and counters,asthe object in the Boolean parameter list.
Unite regions 并集面域@H_404_44@
To unite regions,call the BooleanOperation method and use the constant BooleanOperationType.BoolUnite for the operation instead of BooleanOperationType.BoolSubtract. You can combine regions in any order tounite them.
Find the intersection of two regions 求两个面域的交@H_404_44@集
To find the intersection of two regions,use the constant BooleanOperationType.BoolIntersect. You can combine regions in any order tointersect them.
Create a composite region 创建一个组合面域@H_404_44@
The following example creates two regionsfrom two circles and then subtracts the smaller region from the large one tocreate a wheel.
Public SubCreateCompositeRegions()
'' Create two in memory circles
Dim acCirc1 As Circle = New Circle()
acCirc1.Center = New Point3d(4,4,255)"> acCirc1.Radius = 2
Dim acCirc2 As Circle = New Circle()
acCirc2.Center = New Point3d(4,255)"> acCirc2.Radius = 1
DimacDBObjColl As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()
'' Calculate the regions based on eachclosed loop
Dim myRegionColl As DBObjectCollection =New DBObjectCollection()
Dim acRegion1 As Region = myRegionColl(0)
Dim acRegion2 As Region = myRegionColl(1)
'' Subtract region 1 from region 2
If acRegion1.Area > acRegion2.AreaThen
'' Subtract the smaller region from thelarger one
'' Add the final region to thedatabase
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acRegion1,255)"> Else
'' Subtract the smaller region fromthe larger one
'' Add the final region to the database
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acRegion2,255)"> End If
'' Dispose of the in memory objects notappended to the database
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
public static voidCreateCompositeRegions()
OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
// Create two in memory circles在内存建两个圆
Circle acCirc1 = new Circle();
acCirc1.Center = new Point3d(4,255)"> acCirc1.Radius = 2;
Circle acCirc2 = new Circle();
acCirc2.Center = new Point3d(4,255)"> acCirc2.Radius = 1;
// Calculate the regions based on eachclosed loop
myRegionColl =Region.CreateFromCurves(acDBObjColl);
Region acRegion1 = myRegionColl[0] asRegion;
Region acRegion2 = myRegionColl[1] asRegion;
//Subtract region 1 from region 2
// 从面域2减去面域1
if (acRegion1.Area > acRegion2.Area)
// Subtract the smaller region fromthe larger one
// 从较大面域中减去较小面域
// Add the final region to thedatabase
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acRegion2,255)"> // Dispose of the in memory objects notappended to the database
// 销毁内存中的两个圆对象
// 保存新对象到数据库
VBA/ActiveX 代码参考
' Create two circles,one representingoutside of the wheel,255)"> ' the other the center of the wheel
Dim DonutParts(0 To 1) As AcadCircle
center(0) = 4
center(1) = 4
radius = 2#
Set WheelParts(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace._
AddCircle(center,255)"> radius = 1#
Set WheelParts(1) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace._
' Create a region from the two circles
Dim regions As Variant
regions =ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(WheelParts)
' Copy the regions into the regionvariables for ease of use
Dim WheelOuter As AcadRegion
Dim WheelInner As AcadRegion
If regions(0).Area > regions(1).AreaThen
' The first region is the outer edge ofthe wheel
Set WheelOuter = regions(0)
Set WheelInner = regions(1)
' The first region is the inner edge ofthe wheel
Set WheelInner = regions(0)
Set WheelOuter = regions(1)
' Subtract the smaller circle from thelarger circle
WheelOuter.Boolean acSubtraction,WheelInner
End Sub