Sales and Distribution (SD)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Sales and Distribution (SD)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Sales and Distribution (SD)

OV52 - Del.Customers Pre-Production Startup 删除客户预生产起动
OVH1 - C RV Tab. THIT Hierarchy Type C RV 表 THIT 分层类型
OVH2 - C SD Tab. THIZU AcctGrpAssignment C SD 表 THIZU 帐户组分配
OVH3 - C RV Tab. THIOZ Org.assignments C RV 表 THIOZ 机构分配
V-12 - Create Customer Hierarchy Nodes 创建客户层次结点
VAP1 - Create Contact Person 创建联系人
VAP2 - Change Contact Person 修改联系人
VAP3 - Display Contact Person 显示联系人
VD02 - Change Customer (SD) 修改客户(SD)
VDDI - Customer: Dir. input currencies EMU 客户:直接输入货币 EMU
VDH1 - Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD) 客户层次维护(SD)
VDH2 - Display Customer Hierarchy (SD) 显示客户层次(SD)
VPE1 - Create sales representative 创建销售代表
VPE2 - Change sales representative 改变销售代表
VPE3 - Display sales representative 显示销售代表
VPN1 - Number Range for Contact Person 联系人的编号范围
VS00 - SD Main Menu for Customer SD 客户主菜单
XD07 - Change Customer Account Group 修改客户帐户组
OBYF - Revenue Account Determination 收入帐户确定
OV64 - Account determin. - rec. accounts 科目确定 - rec.科目
OV77 - Account determination -Cash accounts 科目确定 - 现金科目
OV87 - Credit card accounts 信用卡科目
OV97 - Accounts COPA project 科目COPA项目
VKOA - Accnt Determination 科目确定
VB01 - Create Material Listing/Exclusion 创建物料清单/排斥
VB02 - Change Material Listing/Exclusion 修改物料清单/排斥
VB03 - Display Material Listing/Exclusion 显示物料列表/排斥
VB04 - Reference Material Listing/Exclusion 参考物料列表/排斥
VB11 - Create Material Substitution 创建物料替代
VB12 - Change Material Substitution 修改物料替代
VB13 - Display Material Substitution 显示物料替代
VB14 - Reference Material Substitution 参考物料替代
VB21 - Create Sales Deal 创建销售交易
VB22 - Change Sales Deal 修改销售交易
VB23 - Create Sales Deal 创建销售交易
VB25 - List of Sales Deals 销售交易清单
VB31 - Create Promotion 创建促销
VB32 - Change Promotion 修改促销
VB33 - Display Promotion 显示促销
VB35 - List Promotions 列出促销清单
VBN1 - Free goods - Create (SD) 免费货物 - 建立(SD)
VBN2 - Free goods - Change (SD) 免费货物 - 改变(SD)
VBN3 - Free goods - Display (SD) 免费货物 - 显示(SD)
VBO1 - Create Rebate Agreement 创建回扣协议
VBO2 - Change Rebate Agreement 修改回扣协议
VBO3 - Display Rebate Agreement 显示回扣协议
VBOE - Currency conversion rebate agreemnts 货币转换回扣协议
VCH1 - Create Batch Search Strategy 创建批查找策略
VCH2 - Change Batch Search Strategy 更改批查找策略
VCH3 - Display Batch Search Strategy 显示批查找策略
VK01 - Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem. 条件 - : 条件要素对话框
VK03 - Create Condition Table 创建条件表
VK04 - Change Condition Table 修改条件表
VK05 - Display Condition Table 显示条件表
VK11 - Create Condition 创建条件
VK12 - Change Condition 修改条件
VK13 - Display Condition 显示条件
VK14 - Create Condition with Reference 创建具有参照的条件
VK15 - Create Condition 创建条件
VK16 - Change Condition 修改条件
VK17 - Display Condition 显示条件
VK18 - Create Condition with Reference 创建具有参照的条件
VK19 - Change Condition Without Menu 无菜单修改条件
VK20 - Display Condition Without Menu 无菜单显示条件
VK30 - Maintain Variant Conditions 维护变式条件
VKVF - Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem. 条件 - : 条件要素对话框
VKVG - Maintain Condition Elements 维护条件要素
VKXX - Create Test for RKA 创建RKA检测
VKYY - Change Test for RKA 修改RKA测试
VKZZ - Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions RKS-附加费条件测试
VN03 - Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions 凭证条件的编号分配
VN04 - Number Assignment for Master Conds. 主条件编号分配
VOB3 - Display Plan/Actual Stat.Values 显示计划/实际情形估价
VOK0 - Conditions: Pricing in Customizing 条件: 客户定价
XK11 - Create Condition 创建条件
XK12 - Change Condition 修改条件
XK13 - Display Condition 显示条件
XK14 - Create with cond. ref. (cond. list) 建立有条件参考(条件清单)
XK15 - Create Conditions (background job) 创建条件(后台作业)
OVA6 - Credit Groups for Document Types 单据类型的信贷组
OVA7 - Credit Relevancy of Item Categories 项目分类的信贷相关性
OVA8 - Automatic Credit Checks 自动信贷检查
OVAD - Delivery Type Assignment 交货类型发配
OVB5 - Req. for Creating a Purch.Requisit. 创建请购单需求
OVB6 - Requirement for Picking a Delivery 交货拣配的需求
OVB7 - Requ. for Goods Issue of a Delivery 交货的发货请求
OVB8 - Criteria for Creating a Requirement 建立需求的标准
OVB9 - Create Delivery Due Index 创建交货到期索引
OVBC - Documents Value Classes 凭证值等级
OVBD - Assign Credit Control Area 分配信贷控制范围
OVFD - Forms of payment guarantee 付款担保表格
OVFE - Payment guarantee procedure 付款担保过程
OVFF - Control for payment guarantee proced 付款担保过程的控制
OVFG - Customer payment guarantee procedure 客户付款担保过程
OVFH - Document payment guarantee procedure 凭证付款担保过程
OVFI - Assign doc. payment guarantee proced 分配凭证付款担保过程
OVFJ - Determine payment guarantee proced. 确定付款担保过程
OVFL - Assign credit contrl area/sales area 指定信贷控制范围/销售范围
VKM1 - Blocked SD Documents 冻结的SD文档
VKM2 - Released SD Documents 已批准的SD凭证
VKM3 - Sales Document 销售凭证
VKM4 - SD Documents SD 凭证
VKM5 - Delivery 交货
OV/7 - Test Data for Data Transfer 数据传输的测试数据
OVA9 - /nse38/Handling Errors SchedAgrs /nse38/处理错误计划协议
OVAI - /nse38/Determine Sold-to Party /nse38/确定售达方
OVAJ - /nse38/Distribution Function /nse38/分销功能
OVBT - Modification Report Billing Plan 出具发票计划报告修改
OVD0 - /nse38/Spec.Features EDL-LS-EDI /nse38/特殊特征EDL-LS-EDI
OVD1 - /nse38/Special Billing Features /nse38/特殊开票特征
V.10 - Display Top Materials 显示主要物料
V.11 - Display Top Customers 显示主要客户
V.12 - Display Incoming Orders 显示收进订单
V.13 - Display Orders on Hand 显示现有的订单
V.14 - Display Blocked Orders 显示冻结订单
V.15 - Display Backorders 显示拖欠订单
V.16 - Selection of TOP and Incoming Orders 主要和新到订单选择
V.17 - Select Orders on Hand 选择现有订单
V_R1 - List of Backorders 拖欠订单清单
V_RA - Backorder Processing: Selection List 拖欠订单处理:选择清单
V_V1 - Updating Unconfirmed Sales Documents 更新未确认销售凭证
V_V2 - Updating Sales Documents by Material 按物料更新销售凭证
V-01 - Create Sales Order 创建销售订单
V-02 - Create Quotation 创建报价
V101 - Initial Sales Menu 初始销售菜单
VA00 - Initial Sales Menu 初始销售菜单
VA01 - Create Sales Order 创建销售订单
VA02 - Change Sales Order 修改销售订单
VA03 - Display Sales Order 显示销售订单
VA05 - List of Sales Orders 销售订单清单
VA07 - Sales/Purchasing Comparison 销售/采购 比较
VA08 - Display: Compare Sales - Purchasing 显示: 比较 销售 - 采购
VA11 - Create Inquiry 创建询价
VA12 - Change Inquiry 修改询价
VA13 - Display Inquiry 显示询价
VA15 - List of Inquiries 询价清单
VA21 - Create Quotation 创建报价
VA22 - Change Quotation 修改报价
VA23 - Display Quotation 显示报价
VA25 - List of Quotations 报价清单
VA31 - Create Scheduling Agreement 创建计划协议
VA32 - Change Scheduling Agreement 修改计划协议
VA33 - Display Scheduling Agreement 显示计划协议
VA35 - List of Scheduling Agreements 计划协议清单
VA41 - Create Contract 创建合同
VA42 - Change Contract 修改合同
VA42W - Workflow for master contract 主合同的工作流
VA43 - Display Contract 显示合同
VA51 - Create Item Proposal 创建项目建议
VA52 - Change Item Proposal 修改项目建议
VA53 - Display Item Proposal 显示项目建议
VA89 - Archiving of Settlement Documents 结算凭证的归档
VA90 - Billing Request for Actual Costs 实际成本的出据发票请求
VAKC - Items in Sales Order Configuration 销售订单配置中的项目
VAKP - Configuration: Maintain T180 配置: 维护T180
VD51 - Maintain Customer-Material Info 维护客户-物料信息
VD52 - Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scrn 维护带选择屏幕的客户-物料信息
VD53 - Display Customer-Material Info 显示客户-物料信息
VD54 - Display Customer-Material Info 显示客户-物料信息
VN01 - Number Assignment for SD Documents SD 凭证的编号分配
OVA0 - C_RV_Tab. VVVS "Status group" C_RV_Tab. VVVS "状态组"
OVF3 - C_RV_Tab. VAUK "Cost Centers" C_RV_Tab. VAUK "成本中心"
OVK0 - C SD Table STE - "Tax Categories" C SD 表 STE - "税种类"
OVL6 - C_RV_Tab. VUVS "Status Group Dely" C_RV_Tab. VUVS "状态组延迟"
OVLM - C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ." C RV 表 TROLZ "路径确定"
OVLU - c_rv_tab. vro - "Transit time" c_rv_tab. vro - "转运时间"
OVR2 - c_rv_Tab. T016 "Sectors" c_rv_Tab. T016 "段"
SDPI - Number Range Maint.: SD_PICKING 编号范围维护:SD_PICKING
V_SA - Collective Processing Analysis 汇总处理分析
V_UC - Incomplete SD Documents 不完整 SD 凭证
V633 - "Customer Conversion Dec.Shipping" "客户转换分散装运"
VEGR - Material Group: Shipping Materials 物料组:装运物料
VG01 - Maintain Groups "维护组"
VG02 - Maintain Groups "维护组"
VG03 - Display Groups "显示组"
VGK1 - Create Group for Delivery "创建交货组"
VGK2 - Change Group for Delivery "更改交货组"
VGK3 - Display Group for Delivery 显示交货组
VGL1 - Create Group for Delivery "创建交货组"
VGL2 - Change Group for Delivery "更改交货组"
VGL3 - "Display Group for Delivery" "显示交货组"
VGM1 - "Create Group for Freight List" "创建运费清单组"
VGM2 - "Change Group for Freight List" "更改运费清单组"
VGM3 - "Display Group for Freight List" "显示运费清单组"
VGW1 - Create Picking Wave 创建领货波次
VGW2 - Change Picking Waves 改变领货波次
VGW3 - Display Picking Waves 显示领货波次
VHZU - Allowed Shipping Material Types 允许的装运物料类型
VL00 - Shipping 装运
VL01 - Create Delivery 创建交货
VL02 - "Change Delivery" "更改交货"
VL03 - "Display Delivery" "显示交货"
VL04 - Process Delivery Due List 处理交货到期清单
VL08 - Report Results of Picking Request 拣配请求的报表结果
VL09 - Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note 取消关于交货通知单的发货
VL10 - Extended Mult. Processing Deliveries 扩展多重粗略交货
VL11 - "Create Decentralized Delivery" "创建分散交货"
VL13 - "Create Deliveries in Dec.Shipping" "创建分散装运交货"
VL14 - Mail control decentralized shipping 邮件控制分布式发运
VL15 - Deliveries to Be Confirmed 待确认的交货
VL16 - "Deliveries to be Picked" "待拣配的交货"
VL17 - Deliveries to be Loaded 交货被装载
VL18 - " be Scheduled for Transport" "待安排运输的交货"
VL19 - "Dlvs.Due for Goods Issue Posting" "发货过帐的交货到期"
VL20 - "Display Communication Document" "显示通讯文档"
VL21 - Post goods issue in background 在后台记录发出货物
VL22 - Display Delivery Change Documents 显示交货改变凭证
VL32 - Change Delivery Notification 修改交货通告
VL33 - Display Shipping Notification 显示装运通知
VL35 - Form Picking Waves Acc. to Time Crit 根据时间标准排列领货波次
VL41 - Create Rough GR 出口粗略收货
VL42 - Change Rough GR 改变粗略收货
VL43 - Display Rough GR 显示粗略收货
VL51 - Create Route Schedule 创建工艺路线调度
VL52 - Change Route Schedule 改变工艺路线调度
VL53 - Display Route Schedule 显示工艺路线调度
VL70 - Output From Picking Lists 输出拣配清单
VL71 - Output From Deliveries 装运输出
VL73 - "Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries" "分散交货确认"
VL75 - Shipping Notification Output 装运通知输出
VL76 - Output from Rough Goods Receipt 从粗略收货输出
VLAL - Archive Deliveries 归档交货
VLIF - Test Shipping Interface 测试装运接口
VLK1 - Picking with Picking Waves 分组拣货
VLK2 - Picking with Picking Waves 分组拣货
VLK3 - Picking with Picking Waves 分组拣货
VLLA - RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis RWE:领货/发货分析
VLLC - RWE: Archive Data RWE:归档数据
VLLD - Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log 粗工作负荷预测:删除日志
VLLE - RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis RWE:收货/堆放分析
VLLF - Picking Waves: Archive Data 领货波次:归档数据
VLLG - RWE: Analyze Complete Overview RWE:完全分析概览
VLLP - Rough Workload Forecast: Display Log 粗工作负荷预测:显示日志
VLLQ - RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis RWE:退货给供应商分析
VLLR - RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis RWE:客户/商店退货分析
VLLS - Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42 变量标准分析设置应用程序42
VLLV - W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves W&S:控制RWE/领货波次
VLRL - Reload Delivery 重装载交货
VUA4 - Assignm. Deliv. Type Incompl.Proced. 不完全分派交货类型过程
VUA5 - Disp. Assignm.Del.Type to Incom.Proc 显示不完全分派交货类型过程
VUP4 - Assignm. Deliv.Items to Incom.Proc. 不完全分派交货项目的过程
VUP5 - Display Assignm. Del.Items IncomProc 显示不完全分派交货项目过程
VARV - Archiving shipping units 装运单位归档
VL74 - Outputs from shipping units 根据装运单位输出
VP00 - Shipping unit processing 装运单位处理
VP11 - Create shipping unit (header) 创建装运单位(抬头)
VP12 - Change shipping unit (header) 修改装运单位(抬头)
VPAK - Packing list 包装清单
VV61 - Create Output: Shipping Unit 创建输出:装运单位
VV62 - Change Output: Shipping Unit 更改输出:装运单位
VV63 - Display Output: Shipping Element 显示输出:装运要素
VVUN - Importing shipping units 输入装运单位
VHAR - Shipping Material Types 装运物料类型
VLPP - Packing req. of item categories 项目类别的包装要求
VOL7 - Settings for Packing 打包设置
VPBD - Requirement for Packing in Delivery 交货中的包装要求
VT00 - Transport processing 运输处理
VT01 - Create shipment 创建发运
VT02 - Change transport 更改运输
VT03 - Display transport 显示运输
VT04 - Worklist Shipping 工作清单发运
VT05 - Worklist Shipping: Logs 工作清单发运:日志
VT07 - Collective run in background 在后台汇总运行
VT09 - Number Ranges for Log VT04 日志VT04的编号范围
VT10 - Select shipments: Start 选择装运:开始
VT11 - Select shipments: planning 选择装运:计划
VT12 - Select shipments: Transpt Processing 选择装运:运输处理
VT13 - F4-Help Shipment Number F4- 帮助 装运编号
VT14 - Select shipments: Utilization 选择装运:利用
VT15 - Select shipments: Free capacity 选择装运:可用能力
VT16 - Select shipments: Check in 选择装运:登记
VT17 - Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number 扩展的帮助(F4) 装运编号
VT18 - Start F4 Help Shipping 开始 F4 帮助发运
VT70 - Messages for shipments 发运信息
VTAR - Archive shipments 归档装运 
VTBT - Report for Definition of Batch Run 批运行定义的报表
VTRL - Reload shipments 重装装运
0VT0 - Maintain Selection Variants 维护选择变式
0VT1 - Maintain PersInChargOfShip SelectVar 维护装运负责人 - - 选择变式
0VT2 - Maintain Tranport.Process. SelectVar 维护运输处理选择变量
0VT3 - Maintain Selection Var. Registration 维护选择变式注册
0VT4 - Maintain Selection Variant Registr. 维护选择变式注册
0VT5 - Maintain utilization select.variants 维护利用选择变量
0VT6 - Maintain free capacity sel. variants 维护可用能力选择变式
0VTA - Customizing Shipping Types 用户化装运类型
0VTB - Customizing Modes of Transport 运输的用户化模式
0VTC - Route definition 途径定义
0VTD - Def. of Transp. Connection Point 运输连接点的定义
0VTE - Multiple Maintenance Route Stages 复合维护工艺路线阶段
0VTG - Cumulation of Materials in TPS 在运输计划系统中物料的累计
0VTK - Customizing Transport Types 定制运输类型
0VTP - Tr.Planning Pos.ext. Planning System 运输计划入帐外部计划系统
0VTS - Copy TPS Route Restrictions 复制运输计划系统路径限制
0VTT - Create TPS Route Restrictions 复制运输计划系统路径限制
0VTW - Special Processing Indicator 特殊处理标记
OMTX - Define non-SAP system 定义非SAP系统
OVRT - Customizing: Routes 定制:途径
OVTL - C RV Del. item cats: Transp. relev. C RV 交货项目类别:与运输相关
OVTR - C SD Delivery Type: Transport.Relev. C SD 交货类型:与运输相关
OVTS - C SD Reason for Shipment Block 装运冻结的 C SD 原因
OVXT - Transport Scheduling Points 运输计划点
V/77 - Output -ConditTable- Create Transprt 输出-条件表-创建运输
V/78 - Output -CondTable- Change Transport 输出-条件表-更改运输
V/79 - Output -CondTable- Display Transport 输出-条件表-显示运输
V/80 - Access Sequence (Transport) 存取顺序(运输)
V/81 - View V_TNAPR Appl V7 视图 V_TNAPR 应用 V7
V/82 - Maintain condition type Appl. V7 维护条件类型应用程序 V7
V/84 - Output Determination Transport 输出确定运输
VN07 - Maintain number range for shipments 维护装运的编号范围
VORT - Archiving Control Shipments 归档控制装运
VV71 - Create Output: Transportation 创建输出:运输
VV72 - Change Output: Transportation 更改输出:运输
VV73 - Display Output: Transportation 显示输出:运输
OTF1 - Material-Freight Groups 物料运输驵
OTF2 - Forwarding Agent - Freight Groups 运输代理-货运组
OTF3 - Freight Code Directories 货运码目录
OTF4 - Determine Freight Code Directory 确定货运代码目录
OTF5 - Freight Codes 货运代码
OTF6 - Freight Code Determination 货运代码确定
OTF7 - Define Freight Code Index 定义运费代码索引
0VTH - Insert Material Cumulation to TPS 插入物料累计到运输计划系统
0VTI - Copy Material Cumulation to TPS 复制物料累计到运输计划系统
0VTR - Route limits ext. Transport. Planng 路径限制外部运输计划
VT60 - Transfer Location Master Data to TPS 传输地点主记录数据到运输计划系统
VT61 - Ext. transport. planning deliveries 外部运输计划交货
VT68 - Deallocate delivery from TPS 从运输计划系统中取消分配交货
VNPU - Partner Conversion 合伙人转换
OVF6 - VAUK Dunning Areas VAUK催讨范围
OVG1 - Redetermine subtotal 重新确定小计
OVV9 - C SD Table VSA C SD 表 VSA
VCAR - Archiving 归档
VCUN - Reload 重新装入
VF00 - 9Sales organization & is not defined 9销售机构 & 未确定
VF01 - Create Billing Document 创建出具发票凭证
VF02 - Change Billing Document 修改出具发票凭证
VF03 - Display Billing Document 显示出具发票凭证
VF04 - Process Billing Due List 处理出具发票到期清单
VF06 - Batch billing 成批出据发票
VF07 - Display bill. document from archive 显示来自档案开票凭证
VF11 - Cancel Billing Document 取消出具发票凭证
VF21 - Create Invoice List 创建发票清单
VF22 - Change invoice list 修改发票清单
VF23 - Display Invoice List 显示发票清单
VF27 - Display invoice list from archive 显示来自档案的发票清单
VFBV - Reorganization of discount-rel. data 折扣相关数据的重组
VFLI - Log tax exemption 登录免税
VFP1 - Set Billing Date 设置出票日期
VFSN - Reorganization info structure S060 信息结构S060的重组
VFX2 - Display Blocked Billing Documents 显示冻结出具发票凭证
VFX3 - List Blocked Billing Documents 列出冻结的出具发票凭证清单
VGF1 - Create Group of Billing Documents 创建出具发票凭证组
VGF2 - Change group for billing document 修改出具发票凭证组
VGF3 - Display Group of Billing Documents 出具发票凭证显示
XEIP - Number range maintenance: EXPIMP 编号范围维护: EXPIM

Material Management (MM)

MM01 - Create Material MM02 - Modify Material MM03 - Display Material XK01 - 创建供应商主数据 ME11 - 创建采购信息记录 ME01 - 维护货源清单 ME51N- 创建采购申请 ME5A - 显示采购申请清单 ME55 - 批准采购申请(批准组:YH) ME57 - 分配并处理采购申请 MB21 - 预留 MB24 - 显示预留清单 ME21N- 创建采购订单 ME28 - 批准采购订单(批准组:YS) ME9F - 采购订单发送确认 ME2L - 查询供应商的采购凭证 ME31 - 创建采购协议 MD03 - 手动MRP MD04 - 库存需求清单(MD05 - MRP清单) MRKO - 寄售结算 MELB - 采购申请列表(需求跟踪号) ME41 - 创建询价单 ME47 - 维护报价 ME49 - 价格比较清单 MI31 - 建立库存盘点凭证 MI21 - 打印盘点凭证 MI22 - 显示实际盘点凭证内容 MI24 - 显示实际盘点凭证清单 MI03 - 显示实际盘点清单 MI04 - 根据盘点凭证输入库存计数 MI20 - 库存差异清单 MI07 - 库存差额总览记帐 MI02 - 更改盘点凭证 MB03 - 显示物料凭证 ME2O - 查询供应商货源库存 MB03 - 显示物料凭证 MB1C - Maintain Stock MMBE - 库存总览 Stock overview MB5L - 查询库存价值余额清单 MCBR - 库存批次分析 MB5B - 查询每一天的库存 MB58 - 查询客Т 9芸獯? MB25 - 查询预留和发货情况MB51 MB5S - 查询采购订单的收货和发票差异 MB51 - 物料凭证查询(可以按移动类型查询) ME2L - 确认采购单/转储单正确 MCSJ - 信息结构S911 采购信息查询(采购数量\价值、收货数量\价值、发票数量\价值) MCBA - 核对库存数量,金额 MM04 - 显示物料改变 MMSC - 集中创建库存地点 MIGO - 根据存单收货 MB1C - 其它收货 MB1A - 输入发货 MB1B - 转储 MB31 - 生产收货 MB01 - 采购收货) MBST - 取消物料凭证 MMPI - Initialise Period For Master Material Recordfrom CO Code MM60 - 商品清单Material List ME31L- 创建计划协议 ME38 - 维护交货计划 ME9A - 消息输出 MB04 - 分包合同事后调整 MB52 - 显示现有的仓库物料库存 MB90 - 来自货物移动的输出 CO03 - 显示生产订单 IW13 - 物料反查订单(清单) IW33 - 显示维修订单 VA01 - 创建销售订单 VL01N - 参照销售订单创建外向交货单 VL02N – 修改外向交货单(拣配、发货过帐) VL09 – 冲销销售的货物移动 VF01 – 出具销售发票 VF04 – 处理出具发票到期清单 VF11 – 取消出具销售发票 OLMS- materials management configuration menu,most of the stuff under this menu is not under the implementation guide

