机房收费系统中多个窗体用到从MSFlexGrid记录导出为Excel,在VB要导出数据到Excel中,首先要在引用中添加Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library 引用,我的代码中用到了对话框,所以我添加了对话框CommonDialog控件。
Public Function ExportFlexDataToExcel(flex As MSFlexGrid,g_CommonDialog As CommonDialog) On Error GoTo ErrHandler Dim xlApp As Object Dim xlBook As Object Dim Rows As Integer,Cols As Integer Dim iRow As Integer,hCol As Integer,iCol As Integer Dim New_Col As Boolean Dim New_Column As Boolean g_CommonDialog.CancelError = True On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' 设置标志 g_CommonDialog.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly ' 设置过滤器 g_CommonDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Excel Files" & _ "(*.xls)|*.xls|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat" ' 指定缺省的过滤器 g_CommonDialog.FilterIndex = 2 ' 显示“打开”对话框 g_CommonDialog.ShowSave If flex.Rows <= 1 Then ‘判断表格中是否有数据 MsgBox "没有数据!",vbInformation,"警告" Exit Function End If ‘打开Excel,添加工作簿 Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add xlApp.Visible = False ‘遍历表格中的记录,传递到Excel中 With flex Rows = .Rows Cols = .Cols iRow = 0 iCol = 1 For hCol = 0 To Cols - 1 For iRow = 1 To Rows '获取表格中值,传递到Excel单元格中 xlApp.Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = .TextMatrix(iRow - 1,hCol) Next iRow iCol = iCol + 1 Next hCol End With ‘设置Excel的属性 With xlApp .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True .Cells.Select .Columns.AutoFit .Cells(1,1).Select ' .Application.Visible = True End With ‘获取要保存文件的文件名,选择保存路径 xlBook.SaveAs (g_CommonDialog.FileName) xlApp.Application.Visible = True xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlApp = Nothing '"交还控制给Excel Set xlBook = Nothing MsgBox "数据已经导出到Excel中。","成功" Exit Function ErrHandler: ' 用户按了“取消”按钮 If Err.Number <> 32755 Then MsgBox "数据导出失败!",vbCritical,"警告" End If End Function
Call ExportFlexDataToExcel MSFlexGrid,CommonDialog