编程是在学习中不断进步,这个不假,这两天一直在折腾VB脚本编程,原因可以追溯到我关于VB脚本编程的第一篇文章简单的VB小脚本之——文件处理脚本,里面提到了上帝,额不,是我的客户提到的一个简单的小要求,就是希望我写个VB的脚本来处理文件,于是我就现学现用了,完成了1.0的版本。客户就是上帝,上帝说要写VB脚本,于是就有了VB脚本。这不,提交了之后,上帝说,改进一下,在命令行里实现调用,并且传参数,比如,xx.vbs -normal 22.log 66 Eric.Tang这个用来把22.log文件中的“66”字符串儿替换为“Eric.Tang”,同时呢还要加入正则表达式的验证,比如xx.vbs -regex 22.log “<.*>" Eric.Tang这个用来把22.log文件中<>括号中的内容替换为Eric.Tang,折腾了大半天之后就有了以下的VB脚本2.0版本,内容源码如下:
currentPath=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(".").Path Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments If objArgs.count < 4 Then MsgBox("Missing parameters!") Else Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FileExists(currentPath & "\" & objArgs(1)) Then 'if file exists or not Set objFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(currentPath & "\" & objArgs(1)) str=objFile.ReadAll 'get content of the file objFile.close If objArgs(0) = "-normal" Then oldStr=objArgs(2) 'the old string that you want to find newStr=objArgs(3) 'the new string that you want to replace with If oldStr <> "" Then str=replace(str,oldStr,newStr) tmpArray=split(objArgs(1),".") Set newFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Normal" & ".txt") newFile.write(str) newFile.close If objFSO.FileExists(currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Normal" & ".txt") Then MsgBox("Normal handled file has been created successfully! Please check " & currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Normal" & ".txt") Else MsgBox("Errors happened while Normal-Handling!") End If End If ElseIf objArgs(0) = "-regex" Then Set regEx=New RegExp 'create a regex patern=objArgs(2) regEx.Pattern=patern regEx.IgnoreCase = True 'ingnore the Upper/Lower case regEx.Global = True 'if can be used Globally If str <> "" Then Set Matches = regEx.Execute(str) 'excute search If Matches.count <> 0 Then For Each Match in Matches str=replace(str,Match.Value,objArgs(3)) Next tmpArray=split(objArgs(1),".") Set newFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Regex" & ".txt") newFile.write(str) newFile.close If objFSO.FileExists(currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Regex" & ".txt") Then MsgBox("Regex handled file has been created successfully! Please check " & currentPath & "\" & tmpArray(0) & "_Regex" & ".txt") Else MsgBox("Errors happened while Regex-Handling!") End If Else MsgBox("No matches found!") End If End If End If Else MsgBox("File not exist!") End If End If因为我是初次接触VB脚本,写的一般,仅仅是能完成要求的功能而已,可扩展性什么的就几乎没什么考虑的,所以在我看来,程序猿可能会在职业生涯中临时要去学很多东西,虽然不是你感兴趣的东西,但工作所需,我们都可能要及时学习并运用,在学习中前进,在学习中进步。