下面的代码 实现的功能是:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set moWindow = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","IE_") Dim eatTip Dim restTip Dim dailyTip Dim restNum Dim mbFinished '对话框标题 alerttitle = "定时提醒" '提醒内容,vbnewline为换行符 alerttext = vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "一个小时过去了,赶紧运动下吧!" & vbNewLine & "生命在于运动" & vbNewLine restNum = 0 mbFinished = False eatTip = False restTip = False dailyTip = False '1分钟循环一次 For i = 1 To 24*60 If Hour(Now()) = 12 And eatTip = False Then MsgBox "该吃饭了" eatIip = True End If If Hour(Now()) = 15 And Minute(Now()) >= 30 And restTip = False Then MsgBox "该去休息一下了" restTip = True End If 'If Hour(Now()) = 15 And Minute(Now()) >= 45 Then ' MsgBox "该填写日报了" ' dailyTip = True ' End If If Hour(Now()) = 17 And Minute(Now()) >= 30 And mbFinished = False Then moWindow.Navigate "about:blank" With moWindow.Document.ParentWindow.Document .Write "<body scroll=no style='background-color:#d4d0c8;font-size:9pt'>下班拉,该回家了!是否要取消提醒?<br><br><div align='center'><input type='button' value='我知道了' class='cancel' id='btnOK'/></div></body>" .Title ="该下班拉" End With moWindow.Document.Close With moWindow .Toolbar = False .Statusbar = False .Menubar = False .Resizable = False .Width =500 .Height=130 .left= 350 .top= 350 Set .document.all.btnOK.onclick = GetRef("evtOK") .Visible = true End With End if If restNum > 0 Mod 60 = 0 Then '60分钟提醒休息一次 MsgBox alerttext,4096,alerttitle End If WScript.Sleep (1000 * 60) '休眠1分钟 restNum = restNum + 1 Next Sub evtOK mbFinished = True moWindow.Quit Wscript.Quit End Sub原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/vb/259050.html