1。web项目中方法 :
Public Shared Function HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(ByVal password As String,ByVal passwordFormat As String) As String 成员属于: System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication 摘要: 给定标识哈希类型的密码和字符串,该例程产生一个适合存储在配置文件中的哈希密码。 参数: password: 要进行哈希运算的密码。 passwordFormat: 要使用的哈希算法。选项有“sha1”或“md5”。 返回值: 返回一个包含哈希密码的 String。
Private Function md5() Dim tmpSource() As Byte Dim tmpHash() As Byte tmpSource = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("aaaa") ' 将指定的 System.String 编码为字节数组。 ASCII(7 位)字符集的编码 tmpHash = New MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(tmpSource) ' 计算指定字节数组的哈希值。 Dim i As Integer Dim sOutput As New StringBuilder(tmpHash.Length) For i = 0 To tmpHash.Length - 1 sOutput.Append(tmpHash(i).ToString("x2")) 'ToString:使用指定格式将此实例的数值转换为它的等效字符串值 'x2:转为2位16进制小写 ,X2就是转为2位16进制大写 Next End Function
Public Shared Function md5str(ByRef strSource As String) Dim dataToHash As Byte() = (New System.Text.UnicodeEncoding).GetBytes(strSource.tocharArray) Dim hashvalue As Byte() = CType(Cryptography.CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"),Cryptography.HashAlgorithm).ComputeHash(dataToHash) Dim strSB As New System.Text.StringBuilder For i As Int16 = 0 To hashvalue.Length - 1 strSB.Append(hashvalue(i).ToString("x2")) Next Dim creatMD5 = strSB.ToString Return creatMD5 End Function