



  1. For intIndex = 0 To 2
  2. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "教师"
  3. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "注册日期"
  4. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "注册时间"
  5. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "注销日期"
  6. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "注销时间"
  7. cboFields(intIndex).AddItem "机器名"
  8. cboFields(intIndex).ListIndex = 0
  9. cboOperator(intIndex).AddItem "="
  10. cboOperator(intIndex).AddItem "<"
  11. cboOperator(intIndex).AddItem ">"
  12. cboOperator(intIndex).AddItem "<>"
  13. cboOperator(intIndex).ListIndex = 0
  14. Next intIndex
  15. For intIndex = 0 To 1
  16. cboRelation(intIndex).AddItem ""
  17. cboRelation(intIndex).AddItem "或"
  18. cboRelation(intIndex).AddItem "与"
  19. cboRelation(intIndex).ListIndex = 0
  20. Next intIndex


  1. Private Sub cmdInquiry_Click()
  2. Dim txtsql As String
  3. Dim MsgText As String
  4. Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset
  5. '字段和关系
  6. Dim strFields(0 To 2) As String
  7. Dim strRelation(0 To 1) As String
  8. '当选择不同的字段时,赋给变量相应的数据库字段名
  9. For intIndex = 0 To 2
  10. Select Case cboFields(intIndex).Text
  11. Case "教师"
  12. strFields(intIndex) = "UserID"
  13. Case "注册日期"
  14. strFields(intIndex) = "LoginDate"
  15. Case "注册时间"
  16. strFields(intIndex) = "LoginTime"
  17. Case "注销日期"
  18. strFields(intIndex) = "logoutDate"
  19. Case "注销时间"
  20. strFields(intIndex) = "logoutTime"
  21. Case "机器名"
  22. strFields(intIndex) = "computer"
  23. End Select
  24. Next intIndex
  25. '关系
  26. For intIndex = 0 To 1
  27. Select Case cboRelation(intIndex).Text
  28. Case "或"
  29. strRelation(intIndex) = "or"
  30. Case "与"
  31. strRelation(intIndex) = "and"
  32. End Select
  33. Next intIndex
  34. '防止查询条件为空
  35. If txtContent1.Text = "" Then
  36. MsgBox "请输入要查询内容!",vbOKOnly + vbInformation,"提示"
  37. txtContent1.SetFocus
  38. Exit Sub
  39. End If
  40. '如果只有一个查询条件
  41. If cboRelation(0).Text = "" And cboRelation(1).Text = "" Then
  42. txtsql = "select * from worklog_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'"
  43. Set mrc = Executesql(txtsql,MsgText)
  44. End If
  45. '如果为一二组合查询
  46. If cboRelation(0).Text <> "" And cboRelation(1).Text = "" Then
  47. '防止查询条件为空
  48. If txtContent2.Text = "" Then
  49. MsgBox "请输入要查询内容!","提示"
  50. txtContent2.SetFocus
  51. Exit Sub
  52. End If
  54. txtsql = "select * from worklog_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'" _
  55. & " " & strRelation(0) & " " & strFields(1) & cboOperator(1).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent2.Text) & "'"
  56. Set mrc = Executesql(txtsql,MsgText)
  57. End If
  58. '如果为一二三组合查询
  59. If cboRelation(0).Text <> "" And cboRelation(1).Text <> "" Then
  60. '防止查询条件为空
  61. If txtContent2.Text = "" Then
  62. MsgBox "请输入要查询内容!","提示"
  63. txtContent2.SetFocus
  64. Exit Sub
  65. End If
  66. If txtContent3.Text = "" Then
  67. MsgBox "请输入要查询内容!","提示"
  68. txtContent3.SetFocus
  69. Exit Sub
  70. End If
  72. txtsql = "select * from worklog_Info where " & strFields(0) & cboOperator(0).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent1.Text) & "'" _
  73. & " " & strRelation(0) & " " & strFields(1) & cboOperator(1).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent2.Text) & "'" _
  74. & " " & strRelation(1) & " " & strFields(2) & cboOperator(2).Text & "'" & Trim(txtContent3.Text) & "'"
  75. Set mrc = Executesql(txtsql,MsgText)
  76. End If
  77. '如果用户选择了组合关系2没选组合关系1提示用户
  78. If cboRelation(0).Text = "" And cboRelation(1).Text <> "" Then
  79. MsgBox "请选择组合关系!","提示"
  80. cboRelation(0).SetFocus
  81. Exit Sub
  82. End If
  83. With MSHFlexGrid1
  84. .Rows = 1
  85. .Cols = 8
  86. .CellAlignment = 4
  87. .TextMatrix(0,0) = "序列号"
  88. .TextMatrix(0,1) = "教师"
  89. .TextMatrix(0,2) = "级别"
  90. .TextMatrix(0,3) = "注册日期"
  91. .TextMatrix(0,4) = "注册时间"
  92. .TextMatrix(0,5) = "注销日期"
  93. .TextMatrix(0,6) = "注销时间"
  94. .TextMatrix(0,7) = "机器名"
  95. Do While Not mrc.EOF
  96. .Rows = .Rows + 1
  97. .CellAlignment = 4
  98. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,0) = mrc!serial
  99. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,1) = mrc!UserID
  100. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,2) = mrc!Level
  101. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,3) = mrc!LoginDate
  102. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,4) = mrc!LoginTime
  103. If IsNull(mrc.Fields("logoutDate")) Then
  104. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,5) = ""
  105. Else
  106. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,5) = mrc!logoutDate
  107. End If
  108. If IsNull(mrc.Fields("logoutTime")) Then
  109. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,6) = ""
  110. Else
  111. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,6) = mrc!logoutTime
  112. End If
  113. .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1,7) = mrc!computer
  114. mrc.MoveNext
  115. Loop
  116. End With
  117. mrc.Close
  119. End Sub


