【VB/.NET】Converting VB6 to .NET 【Part III】【之一】

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了【VB/.NET】Converting VB6 to .NET 【Part III】【之一】前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



This is the third and final installment in a three-part series. In the first installment (.NETDJ,Vol. 2,issue 9),I covered general conversion issues,in the second installment (Vol. 2,issue 10),I finished general conversion issues,and covered issues associated with database conversions. In this final installment,I will cover ASP Web page conversions,converting to VB.Net 2005,converting to C#,and finally,I will cover some arguments for converting.

Converting ASP to ASP.NET

Converting from ASP to ASP.NET is probably the easiest of all .NET conversions because ASP Web pages can be used side-by-side with ASP.NET Web pages,meaning the conversion can be done on a page-by-page basis. This is because the ASP and ASP.NET engines,like many things in .NET,can run side-by-side. The server knows which engine to pass the page to because ASP pages have a .asp extension,and ASP.NET pages have a .aspx extension.

One exception to this is that ASP pages and ASP.NET pages are considered different applications in different sessions,so session variables and other session and application states cannot be shared. There are two solutions to this problem. The first is to convert all pages that share state information to ASP.NET as a group. The other option is to use a different method to share the information,such as a database,or the data can also be posted from one page to another,regardless of whether the pages are written in ASP or ASP.NET. Details on how to share states using databases can be found athttp://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/migrating/ default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/converttoaspnet.asp.

Another issue that complicates conversions is that while a single ASP page can use more than one server-side scripting language,each ASP.NET page is limited to a single server-side scripting language. Allowing mixed scripting languages was required with ASP because of limitations with scripting languages such as incomplete support for COM objects in JScript; this occasionally required adding VBScript to pages that otherwise would have been written completely in JScript. In ASP.NET,these limitations in JScript have been removed,making mixed scripting languages unnecessary in most cases. This should make JScripters happy,but it may generate extra work during the conversion process. Because client-side script,even that generated by server-side script,is executed on the client,it doesn't need support from ASP.NET and so is still allowed in ASP.NET.

Because ASP and ASP.NET pages can coexist,the simplest conversion strategy is to just start writing new pages in ASP.NET.

The next step is to just change the extension of a page from .asp to .aspx; because ASP.NET was designed to be compatible with ASP,simple ASP pages may run as ASP.NET pages without change.

Because ASP scripts are interpreted,and ASP.NET scripts are compiled,any scripts used by the page will typically run much faster without any other changes.


这是系列里三部分里最后一部分了。在第一部分里((.NETDJ,issue 9)),我描述了一些常见的转换问题,第二部分((Vol. 2,issue 10)),我完成了一些常见的转换,并且描述了关于数据库的转换问题。这里,我将会描述关于ASP网页到VB.NET 2005、C#、的转换,最后,我还会介绍一些转换参数。



但是有一个例外,在不同的SESSION中ASP和ASP.NET页面被作为不同的应用来看待。所以SESSION变量、SESSION、应用状态不可共享。不过有两个解决办法。第一个是将所有共享同一个状态信息的页面作为一个组转换到ASP.NET平台。而另一个选择就是使用不同的方法来共享这些信息,比如数据库,或者将数据从一个页面POST到另一个页面,无论页面是用ASP还是ASP.NET写的。至于怎么使用数据库共享数据的细节,请访问:http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/migrating/ default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/converttoaspnet.asp





