如何获取电脑BIOS 序列号、制造商、版本号及名称等信息?我记得是可以使用
WINAPI与ASM获取BIOS硬件信息的 但是我不知道该如何做,才疏学浅没有办法
那么便选择我使用过的吧,利用微软提供给我们的WMI接口 BIOS方面在WMI对外
开放的接口为Win32_BIOS 下图是代码运行后的一个效果、
MSDN: Win32_BIOS class
The Win32_BIOSWMI classrepresents the attributes of the computer system's basic input/output services (BIOS) that are installed on a computer.
The following Syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order,not MOF order.
[Provider("CIMWin32")]class Win32_BIOS : CIM_BIOSElement { uint16 BiosCharacteristics[]; string BIOSVersion[]; string BuildNumber; string Caption; string CodeSet; string CurrentLanguage; string Description; uint8 EmbeddedControllerMajorVersion; uint8 EmbeddedControllerMinorVersion; string IdentificationCode; uint16 InstallableLanguages; datetime InstallDate; string LanguageEdition; String ListOfLanguages[]; string Manufacturer; string Name; string OtherTargetOS; boolean PrimaryBIOS; datetime ReleaseDate; string SerialNumber; string SMBIOSBIOSVersion; uint16 SMBIOSMajorVersion; uint16 SMBIOSMinorVersion; boolean SMBIOSPresent; string SoftwareElementID; uint16 SoftwareElementState; string Status; uint8 SystemBiosMajorVersion; uint8 SystemBiosMinorVersion; uint16 TargetOperatingSystem; string Version; };
Sub Main() Dim objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Dim objBiosCollection = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_BIOS") If (objBiosCollection.Count <= 0) Then Console.WriteLine("您的电脑没有BIOS,那么您是如何开机的呢?") Else Console.WriteLine("您的电脑拥有的BIOS:") Dim nNoOfBiosHardware As Integer = vbNull For Each objBiosHardware In objBiosCollection Dim strBiosHardwareInfo = "序号: " & nNoOfBiosHardware & vbNewLine strBiosHardwareInfo &= "名称: " & GetNameOfBiosHardware(objBiosHardware) & vbNewLine strBiosHardwareInfo &= "制造商: " & GetManufacturerOfBiosHardware(objBiosHardware) & vbNewLine strBiosHardwareInfo &= "序列号: " & GetSerialNumberOfBiosHardware(objBiosHardware) & vbNewLine strBiosHardwareInfo &= "版本号: " & GetVersionOfBiosHardware(objBiosHardware) & vbNewLine Console.WriteLine(strBiosHardwareInfo) Next Console.ReadKey(False) End If End Sub
使用GetObject创建WMI服务,在通过WQL查询 在创建WMI服务时
动态绑定路径字符串(构造)有一定要求 详情参阅:Constructing a Moniker String
The moniker string format is similar to that of a standard WMI object path. For more information,seeWMI Object Path Requirements.
A moniker has the following parts:
@H_502_74@You cannot specify a password in a WMI moniker string. If you must change the password (strPassword parameter) or the type of authentication (strAuthority parameter) when connecting to WMI,then callSWbemLocator.ConnectServer. Be aware that you can only specify the password and authority in connections to remote computers. Attempting to set these in a script that is running on the local computer results in a error.
The following moniker specifies the SWbemServices object that represents the namespace root\default,with impersonation on and the wbemPrivilegeDebug (SeDebugPrivilege) privilege enabled,and the wbemPrivilegeSecurity (SeSecurityPrivilege) privilege disabled.
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate," _ & "(debug,!security)}!root\default"
Function GetSerialNumberOfBiosHardware(ByVal objBiosHardware) As String If (Marshal.IsComObject(objBiosHardware)) Then Return objBiosHardware.SerialNumber Else Return Nothing End If End Function
Function GetManufacturerOfBiosHardware(ByVal objBiosHardware) As String If (Marshal.IsComObject(objBiosHardware)) Then Return objBiosHardware.Manufacturer Else Return Nothing End If End Function
Function GetVersionOfBiosHardware(ByVal objBiosHardware) As String If (Marshal.IsComObject(objBiosHardware)) Then Return objBiosHardware.Version Else Return Nothing End If End Function
Function GetNameOfBiosHardware(ByVal objBiosHardware) As String If (Marshal.IsComObject(objBiosHardware)) Then Return objBiosHardware.Name Else Return Nothing End If End Function
上面的代码似乎都没有太大的意义、只有一项存在意义 那么则是BIOS序列
号我们做软件授权时,可能会需要cpu、 BIOS、DISK的一个有效序列号
不扯了、需要代码可以到 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqB3zSw百度网盘下载