

在VB工程/部件的列表里找到shockwave flash,添加即可在工具栏里找到FLASH控件
Dim strpath As String
strpath = App.Path
If Right(strpath,1) <> "\" Then
strpath = strpath & "\"
End If
shockflash.Movie = strpath & "ping.swf"
首先,打开FLASH,要将做好的FLASH按纽选定,在on release事件里编写代码如下:
这里的string为任意字符串,传递给VB的就是这个字符串。让我们启动VB,在shockwave flash控件就会多出fscommand事件,FLASH里的字符串已经赋给了参数command,假如我们有多个按钮做为工具栏,那么我们就可以通过判定command来编写相应的代码。以下是我的实例:
Private Sub flashmain_FSCommand(ByVal command As String,ByVal args As String)
Select Case command
Case "cmdshop"
Frmkaitai.Show vbModal
Case "cmdvip"
frmMbEmit.Show vbModal
Case "cmdhome"
FrmJiezhang.Show vbModal
Case "cmdbill"
Frmtuitai.Show vbModal
Case "cmdjiankong"
FrmXiaofei.Show vbModal
Case "cmdhelp"
frmAbout.Show vbModal
Case "cmdexit"
End Select
End Sub

(一) 在VB中播放Flash动画

怎样才能在VB中加入Flash动画呢?我们只要使用Flash5自带的Shockwave Flash.ocx这个控件就可以了。方法如下:

1. 打开VB6.0,新建一个工程,在工具箱上单击右键,选择Components…,在部件窗口的控件列表中选择Shockwave flash,然后确定,Flash控件就被加到工具箱上。



Private Sub Form_Load()

ShockwaveFlash1.Movie = “D:\test.swf”


ShockwaveFlash1.Menu = False

ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = True

End Sub

其中,ShockwaveFlash1.Movie是用来指定你要播放的Flash动画的目录;ShockwaveFlash1.Menu是用来指定是否在Flash动画播放中封闭右键菜单,True为能够显示菜单,False为封闭右键菜单;ShockwaveFlash1.Playing = True是让动画播放。

好了,按F5看看吧,是不是程序中的Flash动画能播放了? :)

(二) 在Flash中控制VB程序实现交互


首先我们先来了解Flash中控制VB程序的基本原理:在Flash的ActionScript里面有个叫做FSCommand()的函数,它的主要功能就是发送FScommand命令,例如使动画全屏播放,隐藏动画菜单,更重要的就是可以与外部文件和程序进行通信。而在VB程序中,我们就是利用的Shockwave flash控件的FSCommand()过程来完成这一通信过程,实现信息发送的功能,并且根据发送出来的不同的命令及参数来实现对VB程序的控制。

明白了吧?简单的说,我们就是利用Flash中的FSCommand()函数向VB发送命令,利用Shockwave Flash控件来接受这个命令,从而达到Flash控制VB程序的目的。


1. 首先要打开Flash5制作一个交互按钮,并在按钮上面加上如下代码

on (release) {

fscommand ("Send Action");

//发送Send Action这个命令


这个命令的作用是当按下按钮后Flash向VB发送出名为”Send Action”的命令。当然,这个命令的名字在实际应用中可以叫做其他的任何名字。

2. 将Flash导出成为swf文件,如文章第一部分所述插入到VB6.0中,下面就是VB怎么接受这个命令的事情了;

3. 在窗体上双击Shockwave Flash控件,进入代码编辑窗口,加入如下语句


Private Sub ShockwaveFlash1_FSCommand(ByVal command As String,ByVal args As String)

If command = "Send Action" Then

msg = MsgBox("Flash与VB成功结合了!",vbApplicationModal,"成功了!")

'当接到Send Action命令的时候


End If

End Sub

FSCommand in ActionScript

To be able to communicate with any application outside the Flash environment,ActionScript exposes a method,FSCommand (command,arguments). This method takes two parameters,first one is the command you wish to execute and second the arguments that you can pass if needed. FSCommand can be called from anywhere in flash,on a button click,during execution of the flash,or anywhere you want to call some outside code. For demonstration purpose our sample application calls it on the Button click.





Flash.ocx (SWFlash.ocx) ActiveX component

To view the Flash .swf files in VB you have to add the Flash component to the project. To add a component,click on the Project and then on Components. Look for the name “Shockwave Flash” in the list and include it in the project. The file name against this component points to Flash.ocx (or SWFlash.ocx).

This component is installed on your system when you install Macromedia Flash MX or the Flash Player. It is a full-featured ActiveX component with interfaces that enable its usage within VB applications,using Microsoft’s COM/ActiveX technologies.

This component has the ability to play Flash .swf files and is the core of Flash integration with Visual Basic programs.

Flash playing inside VB programs

The fundamental point to remember is: Flash integration in VB simply means the ability to play Flash files inside your VB programs using the Flash component. These .swf files are exactly the same as any Flash file played in your browser and nothing special. The same content can be reused on the Web and inside your desktop VB programs.

Flash.ocx(SWFlash.ocx) ActiveX控件.


点击"Project",然后点击"Components".(汉化版VB标签为:工程->部件,打开控件选择面板的热键为CTRL+T)然后找到"Shockwave Flash",并选中.这一文件名连接着名为Flash.ocx(或SWFlash.ocx)的控件.

这一控件在你安装Macromedia Flash MX 或者 Flash 播放器的时候便自动安装在你的系统当中了.它是一个全特征型的,可由使用微软COM/ActiveX技术的VB程式控件界面的ActiveX控件.此控件能够播放FLASH影片,是FLASH影片与VB程序交互的核心部分.



FSCommand event

The Flash component has several functions and events,which you can find by using VB’s Object Inspector. The most important of these is the FSCommand event. As you may guess,this is closely related to the FSCommand ActionScript function.

When you call FSCommand in your ActionScript and if the Flash file is being played inside the Flash component,it will generate a FSCommand event in your VB program. If we write code inside the FSCommand in VB,this code will then execute.



Set/GetVariable functions

These functions are used when communication needs to flow in the opposite direction i.e. from your VB program to the Flash player.

A very useful technique is to loop inside the Flash program on a variable,and then to set the variable from VB to indicate something.

Our sample application

To illustrate the concepts described in this article,we have made a simple sample application. When you click a button in Flash,it will notify your VB program which will then set a Flash textBox’s text from the VB program. It looks like this:


1. Button click fires FSCommand in ActionScript

2. FSCommand trapped in VB

3. VB sets variable in Flash

4. TextBox gets new value

Creating the simple Flash file

Open Flash MX application. Create a new file and add a textBox from Tools window to the frame. The basic structure in Flash is called a Frame. Right click on the textBox and choose Properties. This will open a properties window at the bottom of Flash screen. Select Dynamic Text in the Text tool option. Set the Instance name as sampleField. Set the Var as sampleFieldVar. Then enter any text into the textBox. This value we will change from VB using FSCommand – but more about that later.

Now to add a button,on the right side you might see a Flash UI Components window. Incase it’s not there,click on Window in menu and click on Components. This brings up the UI components. Drag and drop a Push Button onto the frame. Right click on the button and click on Actions. This opens a window where you can type. In case you are not able to type into that window find an option within this actions window to be set to Expert Mode instead of a Normal Mode. Now type in the following lines there:

on(press) {

fscommand(“setvalue”,“Sample Value”);


Now save this file as sample.fla. Then to convert it to an swf file,go to File and click on Export Movie. Save the file as sample.swf. That’s it,you are ready to use this flash file in your VB application.












on(press) {

fscommand(“setvalue”,“Sample Value”);



Programming VB-Flash interaction

Insert a ShockwaveFlash component onto a VB form. Name the Flash component as swfFlashScreen. Now to load the Flash (.swf) file into this component use the following function:

Call swfFlashScreen.LoadMovie(0,filename)

The filename is the full path of the swf file. The first parameter signifies the level where Flash is to be loaded; we used 0 for root level.

The FSCommand event is invoked automatically when FSCommand is called from Flash file. So you have the command and arguments in VB (generated from Flash),and you can perform the required actions on them.

Now,that we are able to pass command/values from Flash to VB,what about the other way round,i.e. how to pass information from VB to Flash? I will explain how we did it by passing a value from VB to Flash.

In Flash file,we made a textBox named sampleField,with var as sampleFieldVar. We can set the value of the textBox from VB using this Var field name. Use the following method to do it:

Call swfFlashScreen.SetVariable("sampleFieldVar",value)

The first parameter is the textfield Var name,and the second is the value to be assigned.

This call works for the currently loaded Flash screen. Now that value is in the flash textBox,you can use it the way you like.



Call swfFlashScreen.LoadMovie(0,filename)



插件中的FLASH影片中激发了FSCommand事件量,插件便会自动拦截FSCommand事件.根据参数决定VB要做的相关操作即可. 现在我们能够从FLASH中传递命令和参数到VB中了.然后返回又应该做什么呢,也就是说,如何把信息反馈到FLASH影片中呢.我将会向你描述我是如何把值从VB传递到FLASH中的.

在先前的FLASH文件中,我们已经设定了一个实例名为 sampleField 的文本框,并将其文本变量设为 sampleFieldVar.为了能改变这个文本框中的值.我们使用下面的方法:

Call swfFlashScreen.SetVariable("sampleFieldVar",value)



Private Sub swfFlashScreen_FSCommand(ByVal command As String,ByVal args As String)

If command = "setvalue" Then

Call swfFlashScreen.SetVariable("sampleFieldVar",value)

end if

end sub

Passing notifications from VB to Flash

Invoking VB from Flash is easy by using the fscommand ActionScript call. To notify Flash from VB,we have no direct mechanism.

Suppose Flash calls VB to do something using the FSCommand,and proceeds after VB has done some processing in the FSCommand. In this case,VB needs to tell Flash when processing is over. Since VB can’t call Flash,we will use the data-passing mechanism (SetVariable) to simulate function calls.

We achieve this by having an ActionScript variable and waiting on it. Flash loops on this variable waiting for VB to set the variable,and proceeds execution after VB has put in a value there.

For example,put a textBox on the Flash frame. The initial value of a textBox is ‘undefined’. We made use of this property of textBox to wait on the timer. Then we called the VB fscommand to carry out our operation there. When VB returns,it sets that variable we are waiting on. Then we clear the interval and proceed in Flash. Until this variable is set,Flash keeps on looping in that function.


Create a textBox with Var name: VBCalling

// this function in flash makes a VB call and waits until the variable is set to some value from VB

function CallVBFunction() {

fscommand(“Test”,“Test”); // function call to VB

keepWaitingForResponse(); // call the flash function


// this function doesn’t go ahead until the VBCalling is set from VB

function keepWaitingForResponse() {

intervalID = setInterval(

function () { // this function is called ever 100 ms until the intervalID is cleared

if (VBCalling != undefined) {





// this function is called only after the variable is set from VB

function VariableReturned(value) {

clearInterval(intervalID); // clear the interval and stop the looping

// you can use the value if you want to and do your thing here








//创建一个变量名为 VBCalling的动态文本

// 这个方法用于呼叫VB,将同时开始执行keepWaitingForResponse方法.监听变量值是否经由VB改变.

function CallVBFunction() {

fscommand(“Test”,“Test”); // 呼叫VB中的方法

keepWaitingForResponse(); // 呼叫FLASH中的方法


// 该函数在VB未收到数据改变的命令是不会向前执行,将一直处于监听状态

function keepWaitingForResponse() {

intervalID = setInterval(

function () { // 该函数每过100毫秒执行一次,直到定时器被清除

if (VBCalling != undefined) {






function VariableReturned(value) {

clearInterval(intervalID); // 清除定时器,结束监听

// 你可以在这里放上其它FLASH中的方法,如果有必要的话








需要Flash 4/5 的支持,安装OCX控件 1)在Flash里的Action中,对按钮的 OnRelease()事件设置FSCommand命令 在FScommand的对话框里有两栏:Command和Argument,这里面所填的内容将被传到调用函数里作为参数。一般说来:Command栏填的是你想调用函数名;Argument栏则填上函数使用的参数。 如:Command栏填“call_alert”;Argument栏填“Hello world” VB 中: Sub Flash1_DOFSCommand(Command,Argument) 中,可以检查两个参数,让后在Show another windows VB中有这个专门控件的 用VB播放Flash动画 Flash是一种矢量格式的动画文件,可以包含动画、声音、超文本链接,而文件的体积却很小。特别适合在网页中使用。 其实我们还可以用VB来实现同样的效果: 打开VB5后新建一个工程,在工具箱上单击右键,选择部件,在部件窗口中选择Shockwave Flash,然后“确定”,Flash控件就加载到工具箱中。 双击Flash控件使它加载到我们的窗体中,调整一下大小,在属性框中设置movie属性为Flash的动画路径,如:C:\vbwj\a.swf,设置scale model属性为2,quality属性为1。具体的属性设置可按下表自己设定。 属性 值 含义 Scale model 0 全部显示 1 随控件大小变化 2 缩放至控件大小 Quality 0 低分辨率 1 高分辨率 2 自动降低分辨率 3 自动升高分辨率 Loop True 循环播放 False 不循环播放 Playing Ture 播放 False 停止 Movie 要播放的动画路径 MenU Ture 显示快捷菜单(运行时,在动画上点右键) False 不显示快捷菜单 双击窗体,在form_load()中加入: shockwaveflash1.playing=ture 好了现在就可以运行了。(注意:编译后的可执行文件不包含动画文件)如果动画里加上动态按钮,配合鼠标位置判断,就可以作成动态工具条或动态菜单了。

