在上一节,我们学习了 ChineseLunisolarCalendar类的简单用法,但是最终获得的结果不是那么符合国人的习俗。
例如,农历的2017年1月23日往往写做: 二O一七年正月廿三日。这一节将完善上一节的结果。
Dim chineseCallDay() As String = {"","一","二","三","四","五","六","七","八","九"} Dim chineseCallMonth() As String = {"正","九","十","十一","腊"} Dim chineseCallYear() As String = {"〇","九"} Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object,e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim chineseCalendar As New ChineseLunisolarCalendar Dim nowdate As DateTime = New DateTime(2017,2,19) Dim chineseY As Integer = chineseCalendar.GetYear(nowdate) Dim chineseM As Integer = chineseCalendar.GetMonth(nowdate) Dim chineseD As Integer = chineseCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(nowdate) Dim leapMonth As Integer = chineseCalendar.GetLeapMonth(chineseY) Dim isLeap As Boolean = False If leapMonth > 0 Then If leapMonth = chineseM Then isLeap = True chineseM -= 1 ElseIf chineseM > leapMonth Then chineseM -= 1 End If End If TextBox1.Text = getChineseYear(chineseY) & "年" & IIf(isLeap,"闰","") & getChineseMonth(chineseM) & "月" & getChineseDay(chineseD) End Sub Private Function getChineseDay(ByVal theDay As Integer) As String Dim callDay As String If theDay < 10 Then callDay = "初" & chineseCallDay(theDay) Return callDay End If If theDay >= 10 And theDay < 20 Then callDay = "十" callDay &= chineseCallDay(theDay Mod 10) Return callDay End If If theDay >= 20 And theDay < 30 Then callDay = "廿" callDay &= chineseCallDay(theDay Mod 10) Return callDay End If If theDay >= 30 Then callDay = "三十" callDay &= chineseCallDay(theDay Mod 10) Return callDay End If End Function Private Function getChineseMonth(ByVal theMonth As Integer) As String Return chineseCallMonth(theMonth - 1) End Function Private Function getChineseYear(ByVal theYear As Integer) As String Dim callYear As String = "" Dim strYear As String = CType(theYear,String) Dim intMidYear As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To strYear.Length - 1 intMidYear = Integer.Parse(strYear.Substring(i,1)) callYear &= chineseCallYear(intMidYear) Next Return callYear End Function
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