vb.net – 为什么不需要再指示ByVal/ByRef?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了vb.net – 为什么不需要再指示ByVal/ByRef?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我刚刚安装了Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack(在Windows Update上提出),我可以看到“Intellisense”上的一个新功能,这意味着当我在VB.NET中编写一个Function或Sub时,它不会使用ByRef自动完成参数或ByVal …


2)如果我不指定ByX,默认使用哪一个? (似乎总是ByRef)

Public Sub (Something As WhateverClass) 
  Something = New WhateverClass 'will result in no changes when outside this method

  Something.Property1 = "Test"  'will result in an updated property when outside this method
End Sub


The value of a reference type is a pointer to the data elsewhere in memory. This means that when you pass a reference type by value,the procedure code has a pointer to the underlying element’s data,even though it cannot access the underlying element itself. For example,if the element is an array variable,the procedure code does not have access to the variable itself,but it can access the array members.
