
Dim Sqrt As Double
Sqrt = Radius ^ 2 - (CenterX - X) ^ 2


X=  -7.3725025845036161 Double
CenterX =0.0            Double
Radius= 8.0             Double


Sqrt    9.646205641487505   Double


double Sqrt = 0;
Sqrt = Math.Pow(Radius,2) - Math.Pow((CenterX - X),2);


Sqrt    9.6462056414874979  double

我需要帮助,因为这个单一的C#代码更改,我的所有价值观都受到影响。有什么可以做的,以获得与* VB *源代码相似的价值?

有一个 difference in the precision between the VB6 and the .NET double type.两者都是IEEE 64位双精度类型,但.NET CLR在内部使用80位扩展精度,即您的计算在.NET中更准确。




// default floating point precision 

using (new FloatingPoint64BitPrecision())
    // floating-point precision is set to 64 bit

// floating-point precision is reset to default


/// <summary>
/// This class changes floating-point precision to 64 bit
/// </summary>
internal class FloatingPoint64BitPrecision : IDisposable
    private readonly bool _resetrequired;

    public FloatingPoint64BitPrecision()
        int fpFlags;
        var errno = SafeNativeMethods._controlfp_s(out fpFlags,0);
        if (errno != 0)
            throw new Win32Exception(
                errno,"Unable to retrieve floating-point control flag.");

        if ((fpFlags & SafeNativeMethods._MCW_PC) != SafeNativeMethods._PC_64)
            Trace.WriteLine("Change floating-point precision to 64 bit");
            errno = SafeNativeMethods._controlfp_s(
                out fpFlags,SafeNativeMethods._PC_64,SafeNativeMethods._MCW_PC);

            if (errno != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(
                    errno,"Unable to change floating-point precision to 64 bit.");

            _resetrequired = true;

    public void Dispose()
        if (_resetrequired)
            Trace.WriteLine("Resetting floating-point precision to default");

internal static class SafeNativeMethods
    public static extern void _fpreset();

    [DllImport("msvcr120.dll",CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
    public static extern int _controlfp_s(
        out int currentControl,int newControl,int mask);

    public static int _CW_DEFAULT = 

    public const int _MCW_EM = 0x0008001f;          // interrupt Exception Masks 
    public const int _EM_INEXACT = 0x00000001;      //   inexact (precision) 
    public const int _EM_UNDERFLOW = 0x00000002;    //   underflow 
    public const int _EM_OVERFLOW = 0x00000004;     //   overflow 
    public const int _EM_ZERODIVIDE = 0x00000008;   //   zero divide 
    public const int _EM_INVALID = 0x00000010;      //   invalid 
    public const int _EM_DENORMAL = 0x00080000;     // denormal exception mask 
                                                    // (_control87 only) 

    public const int _MCW_RC = 0x00000300;          // Rounding Control 
    public const int _RC_NEAR = 0x00000000;         //   near 
    public const int _RC_DOWN = 0x00000100;         //   down 
    public const int _RC_UP = 0x00000200;           //   up 
    public const int _RC_CHOP = 0x00000300;         //   chop 

    public const int _MCW_PC = 0x00030000;          // Precision Control 
    public const int _PC_64 = 0x00000000;           //    64 bits 
    public const int _PC_53 = 0x00010000;           //    53 bits 
    public const int _PC_24 = 0x00020000;           //    24 bits 

    public const int _MCW_IC = 0x00040000;          // Infinity Control 
    public const int _IC_AFFINE = 0x00040000;       //   affine 
    public const int _IC_PROJECTIVE = 0x00000000;   //   projective 
