什么(如果有)是这个VB Linq查询的以下两个版本的结果之间的区别?
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _ Select New With {.Surname = e.<Surname>,.Forename = e.<Forename>}
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _ Select Surname = .Surname = e.<Surname>,.Forename = e.<Forename>
我怀疑这有一个简单的答案,但我找不到 – 任何链接到合适的教程或Microsoft文档将不胜感激。
不同之处在于,第一个显式地创建一个匿名类型。第二个是查询表达式,可以使用现有类型,而不是创建匿名类型。从Cameron MacFarland链接的文档:
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/vb/255991.htmlQuery expressions do not always require the creation of anonymous types. When possible,they use an existing type to hold the column data. This occurs when the query returns either whole records from the data source,or only one field from each record.