
我有一个连接到数据库的Windows应用程序来读取一些数据.由于数据库是为弹性设置的,因此我的应用程序需要连接到两个数据库中的一个.有人可以指定使用sql server身份验证在连接字符串中指定故障转移伙伴的语法.


检查 connectionstrings.com

Database mirroring
If you connect with ADO.NET or the sql Native Client to a database that is being mirrored,your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and database in the connection string and the failover partner server.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;Initial
Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;

There is ofcourse many other ways to write the connection string using database mirroring,this is just one example pointing out the failover functionality. You can combine this with the other connection strings options available.

