
mail.From = New MailAddress(TextBox2.Text)
    mail.To.Add(New MailAddress(TextBox1.Text))
    mail.Subject = TextBox3.Text
    mail.Body = TextBox4.Text

    mail.IsBodyHtml = True

    Dim client As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
    client.EnableSsl = True
    client.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(TextBox2.Text,TextBox5.Text)

    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Sending email Failed. Please Try again")

    End Try
Public Sub SendMailOneAttachment(ByVal From As String,_
      ByVal sendTo As String,ByVal Subject As String,_
      ByVal Body As String,_
      Optional ByVal AttachmentFile As String = "",_
      Optional ByVal CC As String = "",_
      Optional ByVal BCC As String = "",_
      Optional ByVal SMTPServer As String = "")

        Dim myMessage As MailMessage

            myMessage = New MailMessage()
            With myMessage
                .To = sendTo
                .From = From
                .Subject = Subject
                .Body = Body
                .BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text
                'CAN USER MAILFORMAT.HTML if you prefer

                If CC <> "" Then .Cc = CC
                If BCC <> "" Then .Bcc = ""

                If FileExists(AttachmentFile) Then _

            End With

            If SMTPServer <> "" Then _
               SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SMTPServer

        Catch myexp As Exception
            Throw myexp
        End Try

    End Sub

Public Sub SendMailMultipleAttachments(ByVal From As String,_
    ByVal sendTo As String,_
    ByVal Body As String,_
    Optional ByVal AttachmentFiles As ArrayList = Nothing,_
    Optional ByVal CC As String = "",_
    Optional ByVal BCC As String = "",_
    Optional ByVal SMTPServer As String = "")

        Dim myMessage As MailMessage
        Dim i,iCnt As Integer

            myMessage = New MailMessage()
            With myMessage
                .To = sendTo
                .From = From
                .Subject = Subject
                .Body = Body
                .BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text
                'CAN USER MAILFORMAT.HTML if you prefer

                If CC <> "" Then .Cc = CC
                If BCC <> "" Then .Bcc = ""

                If Not AttachmentFiles Is Nothing Then
                    iCnt = AttachmentFiles.Count - 1
                    For i = 0 To iCnt
                        If FileExists(AttachmentFiles(i)) Then _

                End If

            End With

            If SMTPServer <> "" Then _
              SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SMTPServer

        Catch myexp As Exception
            Throw myexp
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Function FileExists(ByVal FileFullPath As String) _
     As Boolean
        If Trim(FileFullPath) = "" Then Return False

        Dim f As New IO.FileInfo(FileFullPath)
        Return f.Exists

    End Function
