我需要检查demical是0到49.99或50到99.99或100到199.99还是大于200.我试图用select case来做这个,但我不确定语法.请帮忙!
Select Case aa Case 1 To 1.49 MsgBox(1) Case 1.5 To 2 MsgBox(2) Case Else MsgBox("was lower than 1 or higher than 2 or between 1.49 and 1.5") End Select
Dim aa As Double = 1.499
Dim aa As Double = 1.4
Dim aa As Double = 1.78
Select Case value Case Is <= 49.99 Debug.WriteLine("first group") Case Is <= 99.99 Debug.WriteLine("second group") Case Is <= 199.99 Debug.WriteLine("third group") Case Else Debug.WriteLine("fourth group") End Select
Select Case true Case (value >= 0 andalso value <= 49.99) Debug.WriteLine("first group") Case (value >= 50 andalso value <= 99.99) Debug.WriteLine("second group") Case (value >= 100 andalso value <= 199.99) Debug.WriteLine("third group") Case Else Debug.WriteLine("fourth group") End Select