Function GetSetting(Of T)(ByVal SettingName As String,ByRef DefaultVal As T) As T Return If(Configuration.ContainsKey(SettingName),CType(Configuration(SettingName),T),DefaultVal) End Function
Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'T'.
Function GetSetting(Of T)(ByVal SettingName As String,Optional ByRef DefaultVal As T = Nothing) As T Return If(Configuration.ContainsKey(SettingName),ConvertTo(Of T)(Configuration(SettingName)),DefaultVal) End Function Function ConvertTo(Of T)(ByVal Str As String) As T Return If(Str Is Nothing Or Str = "",Nothing,CType(CObj(Str),T)) End Function
Function GetSetting(Of T)(ByVal SettingName As String) As T Return GetSetting(Of T)(SettingName,Nothing) End Function Function GetSetting(Of T)(ByVal SettingName As String,ByVal DefaultVal As T) As T Dim sValue As String = Configuration(SettingName) If Len(sValue) = 0 Then Return DefaultVal Else Return CType(CObj(sValue),T) End If End Function
Public Sub DoIt() Me.Configuration.Add("KeyN",Nothing) Me.Configuration.Add("KeyE",String.Empty) '"" Me.Configuration.Add("Key1","99") Me.Configuration.Add("Key2","1/1/2000") Me.Configuration.Add("Key3","True") Me.Configuration.Add("Key4","0") Dim o As Object 'using object in order to see what type is returned by methods o = Value(Of Integer)("KeyN",10) '10 o = Value(Of Integer)("KeyE",10) '10 o = Value(Of Integer)("Key1",10) '99 o = Value(Of Date)("KeyN",#11/11/2010#) o = Value(Of Date)("KeyE",#11/11/2010#) o = Value(Of Date)("Key2",#11/11/2010#) o = GetSetting(Of Integer)("KeyN",10) '10 o = GetSetting(Of Integer)("KeyE",10) '10 o = GetSetting(Of Integer)("Key1",10) '99 o = GetSetting(Of Date)("KeyN",#11/11/2010#) o = GetSetting(Of Date)("KeyE",#11/11/2010#) o = GetSetting(Of Date)("Key2",#11/11/2010#) Stop End Sub
Value(Of T)和ValueAs方法支持可空类型.我使用Microsoft .NET 2.0源代码作为参考.
Public Sub DoIt() Dim o As Object o = Value(Of Integer)("foo",10) o = Value(Of DateTime)("xxx",#1/1/2000#) o = Value(Of Boolean?)("nop",True) Stop End Sub Public Function GatherTag(ByVal tag As String) As String If tag = "foo" Then Return "99" Else Return String.Empty End If End Function ''' <summary> ''' Provides strongly-typed access to the tag values. The method also supports nullable types. ''' </summary> ''' <typeparam name="T">A generic parameter that specifies the return type.</typeparam> ''' <param name="tag">The ExifTool Tag Name,</param> ''' <returns>The value,of type T,of the tag.</returns> Public Function Value(Of T)(ByVal tag As String,ByVal defaultValue As T) As T Return DirectCast(ValueAs(GetType(T),tag,defaultValue),T) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Returns the tag's value as the specified type. The method also supports nullable types. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="type">The type to return the tag value as.</param> ''' <param name="tag">The ExifTool Tag Name,</param> ''' <returns>The value of the tag as the type requested.</returns> Public Function ValueAs(ByVal type As System.Type,ByVal tag As String,ByVal defaultValue As Object) As Object Dim oResult As Object = Nothing Dim oTag As String = GatherTag(tag) If Len(oTag) = 0 Then 'use specified default value oResult = defaultValue Else 'is requested type a generic type? If type.IsGenericType AndAlso type.GetGenericTypeDefinition Is GetType(Nullable(Of )) Then Dim oUnderlyingType As Type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) Dim oConstructed As Type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(oUnderlyingType) Dim oValue As Object oValue = System.Convert.ChangeType(oTag,oUnderlyingType) If oValue IsNot Nothing Then oResult = Activator.CreateInstance(oConstructed,oValue) End If Else 'non-generic type oResult = System.Convert.ChangeType(oTag,type) End If End If Return oResult End Function