然后我希望能够解析出现的值. VB不是我通常使用的语言.
我希望该解决方案与.NET 3.5的框架兼容.
Imports System.Net Imports System.Globalization Module HttpListener Sub Main() Dim prefixes(0) As String prefixes(0) = "http://*:8080/HttpListener/" ProcessRequests(prefixes) End Sub Private Sub ProcessRequests(ByVal prefixes() As String) If Not System.Net.HttpListener.IsSupported Then Console.WriteLine( _ "Windows XP SP2,Server 2003,or higher is required to " & _ "use the HttpListener class.") Exit Sub End If ' URI prefixes are required,If prefixes Is Nothing OrElse prefixes.Length = 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("prefixes") End If ' Create a listener and add the prefixes. Dim listener As System.Net.HttpListener = _ New System.Net.HttpListener() For Each s As String In prefixes listener.Prefixes.Add(s) Next Try ' Start the listener to begin listening for requests. listener.Start() Console.WriteLine("Listening...") ' Set the number of requests this application will handle. Dim numRequestsToBeHandled As Integer = 10 For i As Integer = 0 To numRequestsToBeHandled Dim response As HttpListenerResponse = Nothing Try ' Note: GetContext blocks while waiting for a request. Dim context As HttpListenerContext = listener.GetContext() ' Create the response. response = context.Response Dim responseString As String = _ "<HTML><BODY>The time is currently " & _ DateTime.Now.ToString( _ DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo) & _ "</BODY></HTML>" Dim buffer() As Byte = _ System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString) response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length Dim output As System.IO.Stream = response.OutputStream output.Write(buffer,buffer.Length) Catch ex As HttpListenerException Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) Finally If response IsNot Nothing Then response.Close() End If End Try Next Catch ex As HttpListenerException Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) Finally ' Stop listening for requests. listener.Close() Console.WriteLine("Done Listening...") End Try End Sub End Module