

How to Fix Unity Freezes After Login in Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn
By Sourabh / October 26,2014
Category: How To,Ubuntu

How to fix Unity freezes after login in Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn or Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Many times Unity doesn’t load,no Launcher,no Dash appears and system freezes.

When you enter your login credentials – username and password,Ubuntu 14.10 freezes and you get a blank login screen. You might see mouse cursor and system background wallpaper but nothing else. When Ubuntu freezes,you may not see Dash,Unity launcher,no top panel and others.

Luckily,you can solve this problem of system freeze – missing Dash,Unity launcher and Panel by re-installing Unity. Follow the instructions given below to re-unstall Unity:

Reinstall Unity

The moment your system freezes,use Ctrl+Alt+F2 key to open the command line interface. Remember this command line interface not the Terminal and has only character user interface.

You will then have to enter your credentials – username and password. Once you enter your username and password,enter the following commands reinstall Unity desktop.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install unity
sudo shutdown -r now

The above command will re-install Unity and will reboot the system automatically. After the system restart,you should have a proper Ubuntu screen with Unity working as normal.

There is another way to fix this issue. You can turn ON the Unity plugin back to resolve Ubuntu freezing issue. Follow the steps given below:

You will need to install the compizconfig-settings-manager (CCSM). Open Terminal and run the following command to install compizconfig-settings-manager:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Open the CompizConfig Settings Manager from the dash. Search for CCSM and click on the icon to open CompizConfig Settings Manager.
Now find the Unity plugin and enable it.
Restart the system.

If it doesn’t solve the issue,run the following commands one by one.

dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ setsid unity unity –reset-icons
