作为程序员,我不满足于使用Selenium IDE来记录和重放宏记录。那样很蹩脚,而且不适合部署到多台服务器。这时,你需要Selenium WebDriver,它又灵活,而且通过Selenium headless,运行Selenium在服务器上不需要显示设备。
为什么要运行Headless Selenium 测试?
当你希望能在服务器上运行的健壮的自动化操作,而其操作又依赖于 27X7,同时还希望它是稳定的,这时,Selenium是你唯一的选择。但是,Selenium需要运行在浏览器上。所以,你得骗Selenium,让它觉得,它正跑在一台带有显示器的机器上。这样,你就可以不间断的跑自动化测试,同时又不失稳定性和扩展性。
如何在Ubuntu上运行Selenium headless
本教程的目标是在使用Mozilla Firefox作为主浏览器的ubuntu上配置和运行selenium headless。
安装Firefox headless
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox
sudo apt-get install xvfb
现在,可以运行xvfb服务上一个带有数字的显示设备上,这样是为了防止你在下阶段添加设备时引发冲突。本教程,我们分配一个显示设备 10.
sudo Xvfb :10 -ac
export DISPLAY=:10
如果终端(terminal)没有显示错误,就说明你已经成功运行Firefox在无显示设备的ubuntu上了。它会一直运行,直到你使用ctrl + C或其它类似方法来终止其运行。同时,它不会有任何输出。
如果你能成功运行以上的步骤,那么接下来的部分就是轻而易举了。现在,我们可以在ubuntu服务器上运行selenium,如同你在本地运行一样。本教程的下一部分,我展示了如何运行一个独立selenium服务器,同时使用PHP的selenium webdriver去连接。
更多Ubuntu相关信息见Ubuntu 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=2
You must to define installation Xvfb on Jenkins. Access Manage Jenkins >> Global Tool Configuration. In Section Xvfb installation,put name and fill the field "Directory in which to find Xvfb executable" with /usr/bin.
... ENV DISPLAY :99 ADD run.sh /run.sh RUN chmod a+x /run.sh CMD /run.sh
Xvfb :99 -screen 0 640x480x8 -nolisten tcp & firefox
WebDriver: Getting it to play nicely with Xvfb
Mark Needham
Thoughts on Software Development
WebDriver: Getting it to play nicely with Xvfb
Another thing we’ve been doing with WebDriver is having it run with the FirefoxDriver while redirecting the display output into the Xvfb framebuffer so that we can run it on our continuous integration agents which don’t have a display attached.
The first thing we needed to do was set the environment property ‘webdriver.firefox.bin’ to our own script which would point the display to Xvfb before starting Firefox:
import java.lang.System._ lazy val firefoxDriver: FirefoxDriver = { setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin","/our/awesome/starting-firefox.sh") new FirefoxDriver() } |
Our first version of the script looked like this:
#!/bin/bash rm -f ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/.parentlock rm -rf /var/go/.mozilla XVFB=`which xVfb` if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Xvfb not found." exit 1 fi $XVFB :99 -ac & BROWSER=`which firefox` if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Firefox not found." exit 1 fi export DISPLAY=:99 $BROWSER & |
The mistake we made here was that we started Xvfb in the background which meant that sometimes it hadn’t actually started by the time Firefox tried to connect to the display and we ended up with this error message:
We really wanted to keep Xvfb running regardless of whether the Firefox instances being used by WebDriver were alive or not so we moved the starting of Xvfb out into a separate script which we run as one of the earlier steps in the build.
We also struggled to get the FirefoxDriver to kill itself after each test as calling ‘close’ or ‘quit’ on the driver didn’t seem to kill off the process.
We eventually resorted to putting a ‘pkill firefox’ statement at the start of our firefox starting script:
#!/bin/bash rm -f ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/.parentlock rm -rf /var/go/.mozilla pkill firefox BROWSER=`which firefox` if [ "$?" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Firefox not found." exit 1 fi export DISPLAY=:99 $BROWSER & |
It’s a bit hacky but it does the job more deterministically than anything else we’ve tried prevIoUsly.
Mark Needham
Thoughts on Software Development
WebDriver: Getting it to play nicely with Xvfb
Another thing we’ve been doing with WebDriver is having it run with the FirefoxDriver while redirecting the display output into the Xvfb framebuffer so that we can run it on our continuous integration agents which don’t have a display attached.
The first thing we needed to do was set the environment property ‘webdriver.firefox.bin’ to our own script which would point the display to Xvfb before starting Firefox:
import java.lang.System._ lazy val firefoxDriver: FirefoxDriver = { setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin",Share! 猜你在找的Ubuntu相关文章 |