
我正在用 Ruby和Postgres建立一个VPS.在我的本地机器上,我安装了postgresql 9.2.3(客户端和服务器),因此想在我的VPS上安装它.按照这篇博文的说明 http://hendrelouw73.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/how-to-install-postgresql-9-1-on-ubuntu-12-10-linux/for在ubuntu上安装postgres(唯一不同的是我试图安装9.2.3.他安装了9.1),我做了以下
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2.3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package postgresql-9.2.3
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'postgresql-9.2.3'




sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package postgresql-9.2 is not available,but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing,has been obsoleted,or
is only available from another source

E: Package 'postgresql-9.2' has no installation candidate


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Fetched 501 kB in 3s (148 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
postgresql-9.1 - object-relational sql database,version 9.1 server
postgresql-9.1-dbg - debug symbols for postgresql-9.1
postgresql-9.1-debversion - Debian version number type for Postgresql
postgresql-9.1-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-orafce - Oracle support functions for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-pgfincore - set of Postgresql functions to manage blocks in memory
postgresql-9.1-pgmemcache - Postgresql interface to memcached
postgresql-9.1-pgmp - arbitrary precision integers and rationals for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-pgpool2 - connection pool server and replication proxy for Postgresql - modules
postgresql-9.1-pljava-gcj - Java procedural language for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-pllua - Lua procedural language for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-plproxy - database partitioning system for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-plr - Procedural language interface between Postgresql and R
postgresql-9.1-plsh - PL/sh procedural language for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-postgis - Geographic objects support for Postgresql 9.1
postgresql-9.1-prefix - Prefix Range module for Postgresql
postgresql-9.1-preprepare - Pre Prepare your Statement server side
postgresql-9.1-slony1-2 - replication system for Postgresql: Postgresql 9.1 server plug-in
在Ubuntu官方存储库中只有Postgresql 9.1可用.这就是无法找到它的原因.

为了使用apt在你的VPS中获得Postgresql v9.2,你应该按照Ubuntu的官方Postgresql程序找到here


>插入此行deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ precise-pgdg main
>导入存储库签名密钥wget –quiet -O – https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add –
>刷新您的存储库缓存sudo apt-get update

现在你可以简单地做sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2

