




打开终端输入cd 加空格 拖拽文件夹到终端(使用命令 ls,cd 目录也是等效)

cd /Users/mac/Desktop/swfit
2.要创建和编译运行swift源文件,需要使用 swiftc 命令,并且配以相关的options参数
如下,我们查看一下,swiftc 的相关参数和用法
swiftc --help可以看到如下的参数的说明,大家可以根据后面的注释来使用swiftc命令
yangbindeMacBook-Air:swfit mac$ swiftc --help

USAGE: swiftc [options] <inputs>

  -dump-ast        Parse and type-check input file(s) and dump AST(s)
  -dump-parse      Parse input file(s) and dump AST(s)
  -emit-assembly   Emit assembly file(s) (-S)
  -emit-bc         Emit LLVM BC file(s)
  -emit-executable Emit a linked executable
  -emit-ir         Emit LLVM IR file(s)
  -emit-library    Emit a linked library
  -emit-object     Emit object file(s) (-c)
  -emit-silgen     Emit raw SIL file(s)
  -emit-sil        Emit canonical SIL file(s)
  -parse           Parse input file(s)
  -print-ast       Parse and type-check input file(s) and pretty print AST(s)

  -application-extension  Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
  -assert-config <value>  Specify the assert_configuration replacement. Possible values are Debug,Release,Replacement.
  -D <value>              Specifies one or more build configuration options
  -emit-dependencies      Emit Make-compatible dependencies files
  -emit-module-path <path>
                          Emit an importable module to <path>
  -emit-module            Emit an importable module
  -emit-objc-header-path <path>
                          Emit an Objective-C header file to <path>
  -emit-objc-header       Emit an Objective-C header file
  -framework <value>      Specifies a framework which should be linked against
  -F <value>              Add directory to framework search path
  -g                      Emit debug info
  -help                   Display available options
                          Implicitly imports the Objective-C half of a module
  -I <value>              Add directory to the import search path
  -j <n>                  Number of commands to execute in parallel
  -L <value>              Add directory to library link search path
  -l<value>               Specifies a library which should be linked against
  -module-cache-path <value>
                          Specifies the Clang module cache path
  -module-link-name <value>
                          Library to link against when using this module
  -module-name <value>    Name of the module to build
  -nostdimport            Don't search the standard library import path for modules
  -Onone                  Compile without any optimization
  -Ounchecked             Compile with optimizations and remove runtime safety checks
  -output-file-map <path> A file which specifies the location of outputs
  -O                      Compile with optimizations
  -o <file>               Write output to <file>
  -parse-as-library       Parse the input file(s) as libraries,not scripts
  -parse-sil              Parse the input file as SIL code,not Swift source
  -parseable-output       Emit textual output in a parseable format
  -save-temps             Save intermediate compilation results
  -sdk <sdk>              Compile against <sdk>
  -serialize-diagnostics  Serialize diagnostics in a binary format
  -target-cpu <value>     Generate code for a particular cpu variant
  -target <value>         Generate code for the given target
  -version                Print version information and exit
  -v                      Show commands to run and use verbose output
  -Xcc <arg>              Pass <arg> to the C/C++/Objective-C compiler
  -Xlinker <value>        Specifies an option which should be passed to the linker

3.使用vi 命令创建一个 HelloWorld.swift源文件


vi HelloWorld.swift
然后 按一次Esc 键,shfit +分号键,接着 输入wq,回车


4.然后,在swift目录下,编译 swift源文件,使用swiftc -o 参数

swiftc -o Hello.out HelloWorld.swift
可以看到在 swift目录下生成了一个 .out后缀的文件



Hello 这是我的第一个swift程序!
也可以在swift目录下,直接使用 ./Hello.out来执行,效果等价

注意你在当前目录swift下,直接使用Hello.out,是不会执行的,因为 系统不会在当前目录下查找
yangbindeMacBook-Air:swfit mac$ Hello.out
-bash: Hello.out: command not found
yangbindeMacBook-Air:swfit mac$ 

这样就完成了,使用终端编译swift源程序,[OS X平台]



下一篇:Swift浪潮 http://www.jb51.cc/article/p-edadetpc-oh.html 原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/swift/327568.html
