


//不像 C Objective-C 一样,Swift 的枚举成员在被创建时不会被赋予一个默认的整数值,NorthSouthEastWest不是隐式的等于0123

enum CompassPoint {

case North

case South

case East

case West


enum Planet {

case Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Nepturn


var directionToHead = CompassPoint.West

directionToHead = .East

switch directionToHead {

case .North:

println("Lots of planets have a north")

case .South:

println("Watch out for penguins")

case .East:

println("Where the sun rises")

case .West:

println("Where the skies are blue")


println("Not a safe place for humans")


//实例值(Associated Values

//你可以定义 Swift 的枚举存储任何类型的实例值,如果需要的话,每个成员的数据类型可以是各不相同的

enum Barcode {

case UPCA(Int,Int,Int)

case QRCode(String)


var productBarcode = Barcode.UPCA(8,85909_51226,3)

productBarcode = .QRCode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP")

switch productBarcode {

case let .UPCA(numberSystem,identifier,check):

println("UPC-A with value of \(numberSystem), \(identifier), \(check).")

case let .QRCode(productCode):

println("QR code with value of \(productCode).")


// 输出 "QR code with value of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP.

//原始值(Raw Values


enum PlanetRaw: Int {

case Mercury = 1,Neptune



let earthsOrder = PlanetRaw.Earth.rawValue

// earthsOrder is 3


//TODO: 需要修改

//let possiblePlanet = Planet.fromRaw(7)

//let possiblePlanet = Planet ( rawValue : 7 )

// possiblePlanet is of type Planet? and equals Planet.Uranus


//高效循环实现原理:将循环的每次迭代提交到dispatch queue进行处理,结合并发queue使用时,可以并发地 执行迭代 以提高性能。但是也不是任何一个循环都需要用dispatch_apply来替换,因为dispatch queue还是存在一些开销的,虽然非常小。所以只有当你的循环代码拥有足够的工作量,才能忽略掉dispatch queue的这些开销以提高性能

var array = ["jack", "rose", "jay", "grace"];

//声明一个全局并发队列,类型是 dispatch_queue_tDISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT为队列优先级,默认为0

var queue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0)


//dispatch_async(queue,{ () -> Void in

// println(NSThread.currentThread().isMainThread ? "这是主线程" : "这是后台线程")

//第一个参数为次数;第三个参数 block块里面的形参是区分第几次。

dispatch_apply(UInt(array.count),queue,{ (index: UInt) -> Void in

println(String(index) + " --- " + array[Int(index)])


// //回调主线程,执行UI更新

// dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),{ () -> Void in

// println(NSThread.currentThread().isMainThread ? "这是主线程" : "这是后台线程")

// })




