今天解决一下 Higher Order Functions: Map,Filter,Reduce and more – Part 1 中最后的13个练习题,主要是关于闭包的(咦不对啊我明明是想看集合方面内容的。。。)。
Write a function applyTwice(f:(Float -> Float),x:Float) -> Float that takes a function f and a float x and aplies f to x twice i.e. f(f(x))
func applyTwice(f:(Float -> Float),x:Float) -> Float { return f(f(x)) }
Write a function applyKTimes(f:(Float -> Float),x:Float,k:Int) -> Float that takes a function f and a float x and aplies f to x k times
// recursive version func applyKTimes(f:(Float -> Float),k:Int) -> Float { return k > 0 ? applyKTimes(f,f(x),k - 1) : x } // unrolled by hand func applyKTimes(f:(Float -> Float),k:Int) -> Float { var y : Float = x for _ in 0..<k { y = f(y) } return y }
Using applyKTimes write a function that raises x to the kth power
func getKthPower(x:Float,k:Int) -> Float{ return applyKTimes( {x * $0},1,k) // {x * $0} => {p in return x * p} } getKthPower(2.0,3) // 8.0
Given an array of Users which have properties name:String and age:Int write a map function that returns an array of strings consisting of the user’s names
class User { var name: String? var age : Int? init (name: String,age:Int) { self.name = name self.age = age } } var user1 = User(name: "WHY1",age: 22) var user2 = User(name: "WHY2",age: 23) var user3 = User(name: "WHY3",age: 24) var user4 = User(name: "WHY4",age: 25) var users = [user1,user2,user3,user4] var names = users.map({(user:User) in user.name!}) println(names) // [WHY1,WHY2,WHY3,WHY4]
Given an array of of dictionaries containing keys for “name” and “age” write a map function that returns an array of users created from it
var users = [["name":"WHY1","age":"22"],["name":"WHY2","age":"23"],["name":"WHY3","age":"24"],["name":"WHY4","age":"25"]] var result = users.map({ (userDic:[String:String]) -> User in return User(name: userDic["name"]!,age:userDic["age"]!.toInt()!) })
Given an array of numbers write a filter method that only selects odd integers
var nums = [1,2,4,8,23,45,89,127] var odds = nums.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 }) // 2 4 8
Given an array of strings write a filter function that selects only strings that can be converted to Ints
var strs = ["2333","1223","callmewhy","callherhh"] var intables = strs.filter({ $0.toInt() != nil }) // ["2333","1223"]
Given an array of UIViews write a filter function that selects only those views that are a subclass of UILabel
import UIKit var view1 = UIView() var view2 = UIView() var view3 = UILabel() var view4 = UIView() var views = [view1,view2,view3,view4] var labels = views.filter({ $0.isKindOfClass(UILabel) }) // view3
Write a reduce function that takes an array of strings and returns a single string consisting of the given strings separated by newlines
var strs = ["str1","str2","str3","str4"] var str = strs.reduce("",combine: { "\($0)\n\($1)" }) println(str)
Write a reduce function that finds the largest element in an array of Ints
var ints = [1,3,5,6] var maxValue = ints.reduce(Int.min,{ max($0,$1) }) // 6
You could implement a mean function using the reduce operation {
1 / Float(array.count)}. Why is this a bad idea?
var array = [1,6] var mean = array.reduce(0,combine: {$0 + Float($1) / Float(array.count)}) // make division 5 times
There’s a problem you encounter when trying to implement a parallel version of reduce. What property should the operation have to make this easier ?
Implement Church Numerals in Swift (This is a difficult and open ended exercise)